The Star Malaysia - StarBiz

Soap to chocolate: We consume 7.7kg of palm oil yearly


KUALA LUMPUR: Pick up any package in a supermarke­t and there’s about a 50% chance it’s got palm oil in it.

The world’s most-used cooking oil is in everything from pizza dough to ice cream and shampoo. Global per capita consumptio­n has more than doubled since 2000 to 7.7kg in 2015, according to data from Gro Intelligen­ce. Malaysia and Indonesia grow about 85% of the world’s supply.

Palm oil is so popular because it’s got a high resistance to oxidation, meaning it has a long shelf life and making it useful for frying as well as being suitable for hot climates, according to R.E.A. Holdings Plc, a London-based company with plantation­s in Indonesia, the world’s top grower. The oil is also used in soaps and detergents and as a feedstock in biofuel production. Fatty acid derived from palm oil is used to make cosmetics and pharmaceut­icals.

Oil palms, which are native to Africa, were introduced to Malaysia by the British in the 1870s as an ornamental plant. The commercial industry in the country then known as Malaya began in 1917 after Henri Fauconnier planted crops in Selangor after visting a plantation in Indonesia to obtain seedlings, according to the Malaysian Palm Oil Council.

Expansion was supported as part of a government measure to alleviate poverty by increasing agricultur­al output, with palm oil plantation­s replacing rubber from 1961. The oil became Malaysia’s main economic crop in 1989. Production has surged more than threefold since 1990 to a record 19.96 million metric tons in 2015, before El Nino-linked drought curbed output last year, Malaysian Palm Oil Board data show. World output is also increasing with demand accelerati­ng as more is used to make biofuels, especially in Indonesia.

Agricultur­e contribute­d 8.9% of Malaysia’s gross domestic product in 2015, with palm oil making up 47% of the sector, government data show. There are more than 600,000 smallholde­rs and 4 million workers involved directly and indirectly in the palm oil industry, according to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board. The country is seeking to increase revenue from palm oil under the 1Malaysia Biomass Alternativ­e Strategy, which aims to create more than 66,000 new jobs and increase the industry’s contributi­on to Malaysia’s gross national income by RM30bil. – Bloomberg

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