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Double down or stealth taper: BoJ watchers debate Kuroda’s move


HONG KONG: Bank of Japan governor Haruhiko Kuroda’s policy tweaks have either strengthen­ed the long-running stimulus or mark a stealth “baby step” toward normaliain­g policy. Or both?

The BoJ on Tuesday made adjustment­s to two pillars of its policy that could be interprete­d as steps toward normalisat­ion: It said it would let the 10-year yield rise just a bit higher, to 0.2% from 0.1%, and it cut in half the amount of bank reserves that would face its negative rate of minus 0.1%.

On the other hand, it also introduced “forward guidance,” pledging to keep short- and long-term rates at extremely low levels for an “extended period of time,” though that’s not dramatical­ly different from its long-running pledge, reiterated in June, to continue its stimulus program “as long as it is necessary.”

For Masamichi Adachi, senior economist at JPMorgan Chase & Co and a former BoJ official, the forward guidance tells the story: The BoJ strengthen­ed its commitment to easing.

“It’s irrational to argue that they’re tightening when the inflation outlook is falling rather than rising,” Adachi said. “As long as you believe that the BoJ is still trying to achieve 2% inflation as soon as possible, the logical thinking is that this move is easing, not tightening.”

Hiromichi Shirakawa, chief Japan economist at Credit Suisse Group, agrees. “When you look at rates policy alone, I think they are adding to easing somewhat because they keep low rates longer than people had expected,” he said.

Japan’s benchmark yield rose while futures extended losses yesterday.

Former BoJ board member Takahide Kiuchi, now an economist at Nomura Research Institute, labeled the new, wider range for 10-year yields a “stealth rate hike.”

The measures announced on Tuesday are “de facto normalisat­ion with an emphasis on the side effects of monetary easing,” Kiuchi, a consistent hawkish dissenter during Kuroda’s term, wrote in a note.

Hiroaki Muto, chief economist at Tokai Tokyo Research Center, said he saw a clear step away from the central bank’s negative rate policy.

“They cut the amount of reserves that the negative interest rate is applied to, so really, I think they want to stop using negative interest rates,” said Muto. “They did it this way to avoid provoking markets. But if they thought negative rates were effective they wouldn’t do something like this. So I think they’re starting to think they can stop the negative rates.”— BLoomberg

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