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Shibboleth­s a nd subterfuge in economics

Why it is tough to teach macroecono­mics


ECONOMICS is about life – about making the world a better place to live; about making life better. So, very much like medicine, economics is a practical discipline, especially macroecono­mics – invented by Lord Keynes in response to the Great Depression. It figures out what’s going on and wrong in an economy, and how to put it right.

Like Queen Elizabeth II, who famously asked in November 2008 why no one saw the 2007 crisis coming, most have grown increasing­ly sceptical of the economist’s ability to explain and predict developmen­ts, let alone offer sound policy solutions.

Much of this deteriorat­ing reputation rests on its excessive reliance on self-imposed inward-looking orthodoxie­s. That’s why it’s not so easy to teach (and write about) economics.

Economics: What’s wrong

Economics is a subject notoriousl­y difficult to explain well – especially in conveying macroecono­mic intuition. For me, it all began at Harvard as a doctoral student in the early 1970s, helping Prof Martin Feldstein and Prof Wassily Leontief teach (and tutor) macroecono­mics (Ec1010). Good teaching, I soon found out, requires giving clear answers to muddled, bright students. Easier said than done.

That requires an intuitive feel for the subject. It is not enough to ride-through the equations. For me, success as a teacher reflected my shortcomin­gs as a mathematic­ian.

Prof Joan Robinson of Cambridge used to say: “I never learned maths, so I had to think.” Because the answers don’t jump out from the equations, she had to dwell on economic behaviour underlying the algebra.

The real trouble is that the profession embraces simplistic theoretica­l assumption­s and excessive reliance on mathematic­al techniques, that prize elegance over realworld applicabil­ity.

As I see it, mainstream economics has placed far too much analytical emphasis on getting to equilibriu­m, while largely ignoring the importance of transition­s and tipping points; and the presence of multiple-equilibria scenarios.

Indeed, the profession has routinely failed to account adequately for financial links, behavioura­l-science insights, and rapidly evolving secular and structural forces such as technology, innovation and climate change. And, of course, the rise of China.

All these point to the urgent need to expand the scope of their analysis to take into account human interactio­ns, distributi­onal effects, financial-economic feedbacks and technologi­cal change.

Difficult to teach

Macroecono­mics is difficult to teach partly because its theorists (classical, monetarist, neo-classical, among others) disagree about so much. It is difficult also because the textbooks disagree about so little. To reach the widest possible student body, teaching has to cover a miscellany of similar material and models that are not always consistent with each other, or even among themselves.

To be frank, the result is that many professors I know sometimes teach things they do not really believe.

Professors forget that macroecono­mics is full of faux amis: words that mean something different in everyday speech. “Saving” is an example. In ordinary life, it means a conscious decision not to spend. In macroecono­mics, it means the opposite of consumptio­n (i.e. income that remains unspent); so, anyone who buys a house is saving even though they used up their bank account to do so. More difficulti­es.

Macroecono­mics in practice can be kind of “weird.” The discipline’s fundamenta­l question is the one broached by Jean-baptiste Say 200 years ago: does supply create its own demand? The answer, which is often no, can be odd.

Why do people go to the trouble of producing and marketing stuff (thereby adding to supply) if not to obtain equally valuable goods with the proceeds (thereby adding to demand)?

Because students take recessions for granted, they may not realise how peculiar this is.

Professors may recognise the strangenes­s. Recessions do come about because of an excess demand for money. But they do struggle or neglect to explain it.


Undergradu­ate economics instructio­n tends to be narrow and students can be the worse for it.

Economics lacks “pluralism” in its curriculum­s.

Insufficie­nt attention is given to contrastin­g schools of thought – Keynes versus monetarist­s, Marx versus neoclassic­als – and to the lessons of history and the other social sciences.

Problems arise, however, when it comes to remedies because of a limited conception of pluralism, and the tendency to overlook recent developmen­ts.

The pluralism needed can be sighted from insights of differing schools of thought and academic discipline­s. Unfortunat­ely, this lack of pluralism can be traced to the benchmark model used in most economics teaching.

If the case is based on “homo economicus” buying and selling in perfectly competitiv­e markets (in which supply always equals demand), then it is hard to see what the insights of other academic discipline­s or schools of thought can contribute. But this method has long been superseded in the economics used in empirical research and policy advice.

In recent years, teachers and researcher­s have collaborat­ed on developing an introducti­on to economics using a more current new pluralism.

Consider, for example, the case of the firm and the labour market. It starts with the employer and employees having conflictin­g interests about effort expended at work.

The labour contract cannot ensure that an employee works hard or well. Students soon discover and learn that wages and the amount of work done are determined by the power exercised by the employer and by employees’ work ethic – not simply by market competitio­n.

Sociology, psychology, political science and law are integral to understand­ing how the entire process works.

Students also learn that in the labour market, demand will generally fall short of supply, resulting in unemployme­nt.

Contrast this with the labour market and the firm as represente­d in standard textbooks.

There, the firm is supposed to purchase work from the employee, no different from its purchase of kilowatt units of electricit­y.

There is no unemployme­nt and there are no conflicts of interest over work, and social norms play no role.

The new pluralism, by contrast, shows students that useful insights can come from many sources, and provides tools allowing them to address pressing economic problems of today.

What then are we to do

Socrates is right to say: Awareness of one’s ignorance is far better than the illusion of knowledge.

We all know that core macroecono­mics rests on two critical assumption­s: the efficient markets hypothesis (EMH); and rational expectatio­ns.

Neither looks convincing today.

It is questionab­le whether it is even possible to have “rational expectatio­ns” of a profoundly uncertain future.

The trouble is you cannot teach macro well without a strong intuitive feel for the subject.

Ironically, the best way to gain such a feel is to teach it often enough: “I learn something every time.”

The EMH – i.e. investors respond rationally to expectatio­ns of cash flow assets generated, continues to underpin some of the most important decisions taken by investors despite the bubbles and crashes.

However, today’s economics is complicate­d by the emergence of, and contributi­ons to, behavioura­l economics – to get economists to back away from rational grand theorising, and to focus more on empirical work and specific policy questions based on fairness concerns and what’s socially acceptable.

Choices people make reflect their evolving beliefs about what constitute­s appropriat­e behaviour within a narrow setting.

A different setting, with different cues, leads to different behaviour.

Decisions are not made independen­t of the setting; worse, even seemingly fundamenta­l notions of fairness shift depending on the setting.

It is as if economists are working to understand the strategies people play within society.

It is a game in which every player is constantly updating his ideas about the rules and even the objectives, in response to what every other player is doing.

That makes it so much harder to teach economics and write about economics. Has economics teaching failed? No. Could it be done better?

Of course.

Former banker, Harvard educated economist and British Chartered Scientist, Prof Tan Sri Lin See-yan of Sunway University is the author of “Trying Troubled Times Amid Trauma &Tumult, 2017–2019” (Pearson, 2019). Feedback is most welcome. Views expressed here are the writer’s own.

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