The Star Malaysia

‘Women dare to go it alone’

Heng: Economic freedom and in tolerence to infidelity among reasons for divorce


KUALA LUMPUR: Economic independen­ce and growing intoleranc­e towards infidelity are among the factors contributi­ng to more women opting for divorce, said Deputy Women, Family and Community Developmen­t Minister Datuk Heng Seai Kie.

“Women these days are economical­ly independen­t. We have so many single mums now and they are getting younger, many aged below 45. It used to be above 55,” said Heng when asked about a study by the National Population and Family Developmen­t Board which suggests that more relationsh­ips start to fail before the third year of marriage.

“Those days, women have to stick with their husbands, who have mistresses, because they had no one else to take care of them and their children if they left. They suffered for the sake of their children.

“Now, we can take care of our kids and we want a better life. We don’t compromise.”

She said the first three years of marriage were the most critical as the period was when couples faced the realities of marriage.

“It is also the time when both partners are still young and building their careers. They may have to travel a lot and spend less time together. And when they travel, they could be exposed to other attraction­s,” added Heng.

Asked to comment on the wave of maternity leave expected this year due to the Dragon baby boom, Heng said this would be a good excuse to shore up the numbers of the Chinese population.

She said employers should not be too concerned about a dip in productivi­ty because companies can plan ahead to distribute the work.

“Women can plan their pregnancie­s and I amsure there is more than one worker to take over the job. But those who are planning to get pregnant should inform the company early,” she said.

“This will create a win-win situation. Once their maternity leave is approved, they won’t be disturbed and work won’t be disrupted.”

She said having babies was a personal choice.

However, she reminded women about the responsibi­lities which come with raising a child.

“Don’t just give birth because you want a Dragon baby. Have a child because you can provide quality care as responsibl­e parents.”

Women these days are economical­ly independen­t. We have so many single mums now and they are getting younger, many aged below 45. It used to be above 55. — DATUK HENG SEAI KIE

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