The Star Malaysia

Anwar explains to Nik Aziz

Opposition Leader clarifies recent remarks on Israel


KUALA LUMPUR: Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim met PAS spiritual leader Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat over his recent statement on Israel.

Anwar arrived at a hotel here at 9.15am for the hour-long meeting, which was also attended by PAS informatio­n chief Datuk Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man.

Anwar later said Nik Aziz understood his explanatio­n.

“He listened and understand­s my stand. I, too, understand PAS’ views on the issue of Israel. I feel good now that I have cleared any doubt,’’ Anwar told reporters yesterday.

Yesterday’s meeting was held following Nik Aziz’s remarks last week that Anwar needed to retract his purported statement to The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that he (Anwar) supported all actions taken to safeguard the security of Israel.

Nik Aziz, however, declined to meet the media. Later, he issued a statement hitting out at the Government for allowing Israeli ships at Port Klang.

The Kelantan Mentri Besar also took a swipe at certain other leaders whom he claimed appeared to be anti-jew but forged trade ties with Israel.

Anwar said while the WSJ report included his remarks that it “remained contingent on Israel to respect the aspiration­s of the Palestinia­ns”, the mainstream media had deliberate­ly taken it out “to report slander”.

Last month, the WSJ had quoted Anwar as saying in an interview that he supported “all efforts to protect the security of the state of Israel”.

But the newspaper said Anwar had stopped short of saying he would open diplomatic ties with the Jewish state, a step he said remains contingent on Israel respecting the aspiration­s of Palestinia­ns.

Anwar also took a swipe at Umno, which he said had claimed to have no relations with Israel.

“They still trade with Israel,” he said, referring to the docking of two Israeli-owned ships at West Port on Feb 16.

The ships, Zim USA and Zim Atlantic, are said to be owned by Israel-based Zim Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.

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