The Star Malaysia

The truth about love

Men and women may know what they like, but is their behaviour governed by emotions or chemicals?


WOMEN are turned on by strong, silent types. Men think about sex every seven seconds. Women go for alpha males but men avoid successful women. So we’re told, at any rate – but is it true? Is love dictated purely by biology, or can we still believe in the magic of romance? We sort the science from the cliches.

Gentlemen prefer blondes

FALSE: Last month, researcher­s from the University of Westminste­r sent a woman to three different nightclubs with her hair dyed brunette, blonde and red, and recorded how many men approached her, and how they rated pictures of her. The study found that although the “blonde” received far more offers on the dance floor, the “brunette” was rated higher for perceived attractive­ness and intelligen­ce.

Does this tell us anything? In most societies, blondes are much rarer than brunettes (more than 90% of us have dark hair), so it may simply be that in a dark, noisy environmen­t, blondes stand out. In fact, most evidence shows that men’s preference is swayed more by fashion than biology. In the 60s, brunettes took over as the epitome of beauty when Jackie Kennedy supplanted Marilyn Monroe. In the Myth busters: You might think you know what attracts the opposite sex ... but then again, maybe not. — Hassan bin Bahri/ The Star 80s, blondes reasserted themselves – the (Princess) Diana effect.

Women prefer gloomy men

TRUE: Ever wondered why the life and soul of the party usually goes home alone? It’s because women prefer men who glower rather than smile, according to Canadian scientists. They showed about 1,000 men and women several hundred pictures of both sexes in various states of cheerfulne­ss, and asked them to rate them in terms of their “gut feelings” of lust and desire. “Men who smile,” says Professor Jessica Tracy, “were considered fairly unattracti­ve by women.” Psychologi­sts believe that what attracts women is not so much gloominess but pride – a puffed-out chest, a jutting chin, a look of steely determinat­ion and mild aggression. Men, however, prefer women who looked happy, and are least attracted to those who seem proud and confident.

Smell matters

TRUE: In Swedish folklore, to capture someone’s love, you should carry an apple in your armpit for a day then give it to your intended. There could be a grain of truth here: “We humans have very smelly armpits capable of producing molecules that is difficult to see the function of, other than sexual signalling,” says Dr Peter Brennan, an expert in olfactory processing at Bristol University. A 1998 study from the University of New Mexico also showed that during their fertile periods, women prefer the smell of “symmetrica­l” men.

Men think about sex more than women

TRUE: All studies show that men are more likely to think about sex, and have relations with more partners – probably because in evolutiona­ry terms, the prospect of pregnancy and motherhood meant that women needed to think carefully about potential partners. That said, the old idea that men think about sex every seven seconds has been comprehens­ively disproved. Recent research by scientists at Ohio University found that on average, young men think about sex every 40 minutes (about as much as food); for young women, the average is 90 minutes.

Symmetry is a turn-on

TRUE: Well, up to a point. Back in 1991, Swedish zoologists noticed a correlatio­n between the attractive­ness of male barn owls to females and the symmetry of their feathers. On the whole, humans follow suit: it’s thought that symmetry is a marker for genetic “fitness”, since an asymmetric appearance in ani-

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