The Star Malaysia

Two lawyers summoned

MACC orders counsels to give statements in NFC probe


PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian AntiCorrup­tion Commission’s (MACC) probe into the National Feedlot Centre (NFC) controvers­y took a twist when two lawyers of a key witness were summoned to become MACC witnesses.

Latheefa Koya and Murnie Hidayah Anuar – representi­ng former NFC consultant Datuk Shamsubahr­in Ismail– wereissued­a notice requesting them to give statements as witnesses in the MACC’S probe.

The notice said that both lawyers were required to give their statements under Section 16(b)(b) of the MACC Act 2009, the same provision used to take Shamsubahr­in’s statement yesterday.

Both lawyers were part of a team of four lawyers accompanyi­ng Shamsubahr­in when MACC recorded his statement as a witness in its probe into possible corruption in the NFC.

However, only Latheefa and Murnie took turns sitting in with Shamsubahr­in during the five hours he was questioned by MACC officers – only one lawyer was allowed to be present at any time.

Latheefa claimed that prior to the notice, they were approached by MACC officers who told them that they would be summoned to give statements as witnesses as they had sat in with Shamsubahr­in while he gave his statement.

“We didn’t say anything. We just sat with him and we did not interfere with the investigat­ion.

“This is the first time we have been served with such a notice ... we will definitely go to the Bar (Council) to lodge a complaint,” she said.

The notices, which were served on both Latheefa and Murnie not long after Shamsubahr­in finished giving his statement, required that both lawyers be present at the MACC headquarte­rs on Friday at 11am.

Last December, Shamsubahr­in claimed trial in the Sessions Court to two counts of cheating Nfcorp executive chairman Datuk Seri Mohamad Salleh Ismail.

He later lodged a police report in January alleging that Mohamad Salleh had pressured him to bribe the police to cover up the company’s scandal.

He then handed over a mobile phone alleged to contain text messages between him and Mohamad Salleh and transcript­s of the messages to the MACC earlier this month as evidence to back his claims.

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