The Star Malaysia

Super food


AN image of Popeye gulping down an entire can of spinach comes to mind when “super food” is mentioned.

Yes, there is such a thing as super food but no, it can’t quite give you that instant boost of energy or bestow you with super powers.

So, what exactly is a super food?

It is a natural food that contains compounds which provide natural health benefits or contribute to general well-being.

However, it’s not some wonder drug or supplement.

These are naturally available food that can lower cholestero­l and keep diseases like cancer and diabetes at bay.

To read more, go to

MPH Win a Cookbook Contest

Kuali and MPH are giving away three copies of Girls’ Night In to three lucky readers.

For contest details, go to kuali. com/contests

Book review

Tired of tried and tested diets that do not seem to work and get you nowhere? Then Diet Rehab might be the book for you

They say you can kick a habit in just 28 days. This book, by Dr Mike Dow, utilises that formula: A 28-day weight-loss programme to a healthier, happier new you.

Dow, America’s favourite foodaddict­ion expert, takes you on a journey to figure out why you crave what you crave, telling you why you reach for that ice cream after a break-up.

He helps you stop playing the blame game when it comes to unhealthy eating.

To read the review, go to kuali. com/news/bookreview­s.aspx

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