The Star Malaysia

Love them and be loved unconditio­nally


I REFER to “Barking Mad over Killings” ( The Star, May 17).

Killing puppies is a despicable and inhumane act and should be stopped at all cost.

Puppies are cute and innocent so why should we end their life?

There were reports about animals killing people but this usually happens when they are provoked or act on their animal instincts. And not all strays attack humans. Killing animals, especially their young, is not the answer to our problem.

The report stated that the strays were being fed and were actually in a protected area. This strongly shows that the animals would respond with love to the people who feed them.

A friend once told me how her life turned around when she adopted a puppy after she had a miscarriag­e. She loved the puppy like her child and showered it with attention.

The puppy managed to lift her out of depression and now she is happy again.

Her advice? Get a puppy or a kitten if you feel life has given you lemons.

I agree wholeheart­edly with her, as pets can promote social interactio­n and encourage exercise.

Send pets to shelters if you are not able to care for them any longer. As a good citizen, don’t abandon them because they might burden the neighbours.

Respect all animals and treat them right, they deserve our attention.

So, if you are feeling lonely, head to the nearest shelter to adopt a pet. You will find that it would do you and your pet a world of good! YANG CHIEN FEI, Ampang, Selangor.

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