The Star Malaysia

Tears on girl’s hymen, court told

Doctor: Cause likely to be penetratio­n by a blunt object


KUALA LUMPUR: A doctor told the Magistrate­s Court here that she had discovered old tears on the hymen of a 10-year-old girl who had allegedly been molested by her grandfathe­r.

Clinical specialist Dr Ida Lilywati Md Latar, who had examined the girl last year, said there were tears at the nine o’clock position which were consistent with penetratio­n by a blunt object.

Asked by DPP Hadariah Siri what this object was, Dr Ida said it could be a finger or a penis.

During cross-examinatio­n by counsel Noor Azah Azizan, however, she admitted this was inconclusi­ve.

When further asked if the tears could have been caused by other factors such as vigorous exercise, Dr Ida said it “was possible” but required very serious trauma during the activity.

She told DPP Hadariah that penetratio­n by a blunt object was still the most likely cause of the tears.

Dr Ida added that the examinatio­n also revealed redness on the interior of the girl’s genitalia, as well as a whitish discharge possibly caused by fungal infection.

Her testimony was supported by senior clinical specialist Dr V. Vallikkann­u, who had also examined the girl last year.

Asked by Noor Azah how the girl acted when being interviewe­d before the examinatio­n, Dr Vallikkann­u said she had been cooperativ­e.

“She spoke well,” Drvallikka­nnu said. “She did not appear distressed or sad.”

However, she added that the girl had been crying during the examinatio­n, although she said children often did not react well to the process.

The victim’s mother testified to a closed court through camera.

About six more witnesses are expected to be called by the prosecutio­n throughout the trial.

The name soft he victim and anyone connected to her cannot be revealed as the victim is a minor.

The victim was allegedly molested by her grandfathe­r, a 73-yearold former managing director, at four locations in Kuala Lumpur.

The first offence allegedly occurred in April two years ago with the other three incidents taking place between May and October last year.

He has been charged with assault or use of criminal force to a person with intent to outrage modesty under section 354 of the Penal Code.

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