The Star Malaysia

Shameless act alarming


IREFER to “Sex blog duo speak out” ( The Star, Oct 19). It is extremely unfortunat­e that Alvin Tan (an Asean scholar at NUS) and Vivian Lee (Business Studies graduate) do not show any remorse of what they have done.

Conversely, they took pride in their “achievemen­t” and told us to back off.

What is most alarming is that there might be more episodes of the unusual sex acts by this infamous couple in their sex blog.

Moreover, other couples who also cry for attention might do likewise.

And from the response of some young adults, they seem to share their views of free liberal expression of sex.

If this trend continues and goes unchecked, naturally, more porn stars will appear in YouTube, offering free shows for all.

Who can stop our students at an impression­able age from viewing them?

Eventually, we will be living in the planet of the apes! Free acts and free shows in the name of modern art and freedom of physical expression! Where do we draw the line?

In light of this, the Government might have to review the New Education Blueprint (2013–2025), particular­ly the controvers­ial Pendidikan Moral subject, taught in schools – it just does not seem to work!

Personally, as an educationi­st and father of three grown-up sons, I would suggest the Government revamp Pendidikan Moral.

A large portion of the syllabus should include the element of “Believe in God”, which incidental­ly is the first tenet of our “Rukun Negara” – the main principle underlying the Malaysian National Philosophy of Education.

Most parents nowadays are busy working to make ends meet and to make sure that there is food on the table for their children.

They just do not have the time or knowledge to teach them any religious values.

Undeniably, the Government has to step in and teach the students the love and fear of the Almighty God and all His commands, precepts, instructio­ns and values.

Hence, the students, hopefully, will abide by all His dos and don’ts.

If the Pendidikan Moral subject is untouchabl­e, alternativ­ely, the Government should offer the main stream religious teachings like Buddhism, Christiani­ty, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism to students who wish to study them, same as the existing Pupils Own Language subject, which is made available to students if there are 15 or more students to form a class.

The knowledgea­ble teachers, I presume, are available from the Malayan Consultati­ve Council of Buddhism, Christiani­ty, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism.

Consequent­ly, we pray and hope there will be fewer porn stars and free shows in YouTube, accepting the fact that there are always moral imperfecti­ons and weaknesses in any society and community.


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