The Star Malaysia

EU eyes bank watchdog next year

Way paved for ailing lenders to receive cash directly from Europe’s bailout funds


BRUSSELS: EU leaders yesterday agreed to bring banks under bloc-wide supervisio­n next year, but failed to pin down an exact date – dashing hopes of a quick move towards a full banking union.

Although loose, the 2013 timetable settled during 11 hours of talks at a Brussels summit should eventually pave the way for ailing banks to receive cash directly from Europe’s bailout funds.

The decision took place in a calmer market environmen­t on Thursday, but also against a backdrop of fresh violence in Greece, the origin of the three-year crisis, where a man died during a general strike and anti-austerity protests.

The 27 European Union leaders set themselves “the objective of agreeing on the legislativ­e framework by Jan 1, 2013,” said a statement. Work on actually setting up the body would take place “in the course of 2013,” it added.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called the timetable “very ambitious,” even as French President Francois Hollande pushed for quick implementa­tion. She said the EU needed “quality before speed” and a watchdog “worthy of the name.”

The European Commission’s Jose Manuel Barroso said European Central Bank (ECB) head Mario Draghi had told leaders a “reasonable” estimate for implementa­tion would be “less than one year but certainly more than one or two months.”

“I can’t give you a precise date,” EU president Herman Van Rompuy conceded when pushed during an early-hours press conference. Finance ministers, next scheduled to meet on Nov 12, would take up the issue, he said.

Expectatio­ns that the new body could begin work from the start of the new year slipped amid discord between Europe’s two powerhouse­s, one European official saying that even in the “fastest scenario,” it would be “summer 2013.”

A French government source said the ECB would only supervise all 6,000 eurozone banks “from the beginning of 2014.”

The basic idea remains that in future, struggling banks in debtwracke­d countries that pose a danger to Europe’s financial system could be recapitali­sed directly from EU bailout funds.

But a Spanish government­al source said Madrid had “assumed” for the last month – since the German, Dutch and Finnish government­s had rowed back on aspects of a provisiona­l agreement dating from June – “that there wasn’t going to be a direct recapitali­sation.”

The Spanish official said the result of independen­t stress tests was that the recapitali­sation would amount to 4% of Spain’s gross domestic product, “which we can handle.”

Hollande said expectatio­ns on markets of a sovereign bailout request by Spain had not come up, although he warned that “adding austerity to austerity” by imposing harsh conditions on Madrid would be counter-productive.

Germany has been pushing Madrid back for weeks, and Hollande suggested that next year’s German general election lay behind proposals from Berlin to beef up the power of the European Commission to supervise individual countries’ budgets.

Eurozone leaders also hailed “good progress” in Greece to carry out reforms aimed at getting its economy back on track, after the so-called “troika” of internatio­nal lenders said it hoped for a deal “within days” on resuming muchneeded financial aid.

Greece’s conservati­ve-led government is in talks with the troika on an austerity package needed to unlock a loan payment of 31.5 billion euros (US$41.1bil), which has been pending since June.

Elsewhere at the summit, EU President Herman Van Rompuy invited all 27 EU members to attend the December awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, adding that the hardships the bloc now faced were nothing compared with the post-war era. – AFP

 ??  ?? Good to see you: Merkel (right) talks to Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip before the second day of a European Council Summit in Brussels. – EPA
Good to see you: Merkel (right) talks to Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip before the second day of a European Council Summit in Brussels. – EPA

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