The Star Malaysia

‘Pakatan not fit to rule country’

Chua: PR component parties cannot even put their own house in order


PAKATAN Rakyat, which cannot even put its own house in order, is not fit to rule the country, said Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

The MCA president said the three Pakatan component parties – PKR, PAS and DAP – had been in conflict over big and small matters.

“They cannot agree over a common flag and symbol, a shadow Cabinet and who will be their Prime Minister if they make it to Putrajaya.

“DAP chairman Karpal Singh said the party’s secretary-general Lim Guan Eng can be Prime Minister. PKR said Anwar Ibrahim is the prime ministeria­l candidate while PAS president said Anwar is not the only prime ministeria­l candidate from Pakatan Rakyat,” he said.

Dr Chua said this had shown the true colours of Pakatan – grab power first and never mind the chaos that follows and the people being victimised.

“This is an eye opener for the people,” he said at his presidenti­al address at the MCA 59th annual general assembly here.

Dr Chua said MCA, with its battle cry “Battle Without Fear” is ready to go to war once Parliament is dissolved.

He said the three big Pakatan leaders – Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim (PKR), Lim Kit Siang (DAP) and Datuk Nik Aziz Nik Mat (PAS) – have no common direction.

Besides, their populist policies – ensuring a minimum RM4,000 monthly household income for some 3.8 million families, abolish the PTPTN loan, car taxes and tolls – amounting to some RM200bil a year would only bankrupt the nation within two years if they took over Putrajaya and implemente­d the policies, he pointed out.

At a press conference after the AGM opening, Dr Chua said PAS’ brand of hudud, if and when implemente­d, would have a very severe and far-reaching socio-economic impact on the people and country.

“It is not right to say we (MCA) are playing on the hudud issue. What we said are grounded on facts. For instance, PAS’ version of hudud also includes closing down Genting (casino).

“To them, even the stock exchange is also a form of gambling,” he said.

Dr Chua said there was no new cinema in Selangor because entertainm­ent was not on the PAS agenda, and PKR and DAP were keeping quiet about it because PAS was the dominant partner.

“The reality staring at us is that hudud ala PAS will affect Muslims and non-Muslims,” he stressed.

 ??  ?? Solid support: Delegates holding up Barisan logo posters in showing their support at the MCA annual general assembly. — Bernama
Solid support: Delegates holding up Barisan logo posters in showing their support at the MCA annual general assembly. — Bernama

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