The Star Malaysia

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WOW, we had quite a number of letters in response to last week’s article, Painfully high (Nov 18), on the perils of wearing heels. It seems to have struck a nerve with most of our readers. Not surprising really, women and heels are a close-linked topic. Vanity is a high price to pay, and I don’t know why we should suffer for beauty. Sometimes I think we suffer more to conform to society’s perception of beauty... and it always involves some form of torture on the woman’s part.

I don’t believe anyone should “suffer” for vanity’s sake, but that’s of course, a personal opinion. I, too, have done a number of things – all legitimate of course – in the quest for beauty. What I’ve come to realise at this stage of my life is that all that really counts is one’s health. It doesn’t matter how beautiful, slim or rich you are, if you’re sick, you can’t enjoy any of those things.

On to this week’s issue – Kate Bosworth is our cover personalit­y. Doesn’t she look angelic? She’s on of those luminous beauties who have a kind of quiet grace and serenity about them. She’s also SK-II’s newest global ambassador. Read her story in Glamour Goddess.

Aren’t you tired of clothes that look like grownup versions of a toddler’s wardrobe? Sometimes you wonder if some designers really think of what real women wear and the fact that most of us are hardly going to be running around in cutesy pieces that only look good on a four-year-old.

This season, the fashion industry apparently decided it was time we started looking like adults again, and came out with several beautiful looks that will defintely not have you looking like you raided your daughter’s wardrobe. I know you’re as young or old as you feel/look, but spare the cliches. A lot of readers have written in about this and how difficult it is to find clothes that suit a particular age group.

I am well aware that Clove’s demographi­cs are not entirely teenagers and the under-30s, and we do try as much as possible not to look like a teen magazine, because we aren’t. Fashion is really about picking and choosing what looks good on you. While we are in the era of anti-ageism, where people keep saying 40s is the new 20s, I still think if you just go by the thumb rule of class above everything, you will always look right. Turn to All grown-up in Stylefile for some of the looks this season that you can work into your wardrobe.

Speaking of someone who has managed to remain at the top despite the younger competitio­n, our People personalit­y is on Kate Moss. She comes from the time of the supermodel­s, when models reigned supreme on magazine covers before actresses and reality stars took over. And she’s still going strong because she knows how to do her job very well, and rarely gives interviews, something very rare in today’s world of tell-and-show-it-all. Moss understand­s the power of mystique, something most people today should take note of. If everyone knows everything about you, what else is there left to know?

Thanks for all the comments and feedback, we always love hearing from you. Till next week!

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