The Star Malaysia

African troops expected in Mali to boost local forces


BAMAKO: The first troops promised by African nations are expected in Mali to join local forces who, backed by French air support, have driven back an advance by Islamist fighters.

Burkina Faso, Niger and Senegal on Saturday each pledged 500 troops for an African-led interventi­on force.

Ivory Coast’s African Integratio­n Minister Ally Coulibaly, speaking for the West African bloc Ecowas, said: “We are not letting up the pressure. It is the re-conquest of north Mali that has just begun.”

On Saturday, French troops arrived here, flying in from bases in Ivory Coast and Chad, a Malian officer said. He refused to give details of their numbers or their mission.

Col Paul Geze, the French mission’s commander, hoped their mission would succeed “as quickly as possible, in the best conditions possible”.

The French contingent will be at full strength by today. It has been deployed in the capital to protect the 6,000-strong expatriate community.

Both France and Mali on Saturday hailed the success of their joint operation to push back an advance by the Islamists who control the north of the country.

Since taking power in the north last year, the Islamists have destroyed centuries-old Muslim mausoleums they see as heretical and imposed an extreme form of law including floggings, amputation­s and sometimes executions. — AFP

 ??  ?? Geared for action: French soldiers of the 21st Marine Infantry Regiment boarding the plane to Bamako at the N’Djamena’s airport in Chad. — AP
Geared for action: French soldiers of the 21st Marine Infantry Regiment boarding the plane to Bamako at the N’Djamena’s airport in Chad. — AP

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