The Star Malaysia

To B or not to B...


EVERYONE knows this famous “misquotati­on” from Shakespear­e’s Hamlet. In the play, Hamlet is musing on the merits of living or dying – but that is certainly not the purpose of this article.

Here, my two Bs stand for “Buy or Build...” now, that is the question. When it comes to leadership in an organisati­on, a question that is often asked by CEOs and their boards is “Are we better off trying to build our own leaders or should we just buy from the market?”

Not surprising­ly, the best firms adopt both strategies – but around the region we are seeing greater emphasis being placed on “building leadership” from within the company. As a former CEO of mine was fond of saying, “This is the rice we have and we have to cook with it.”

Since building your leadership talent requires considerab­le investment from your company in terms of resources – people, time, opportunit­y costs and money – and it is not an easy thing to do, you need to make sure that you do the best possible job. How do you invest your money wisely, and really work to harness the rewards?

As research indicates (see my last column), the return on investment (ROI) for effective leadership is truly very high, so the question is “How do you maximise the value of your investment?”

Here are some global, best-practice leadership developmen­t recommenda­tions.

Leadership is not generic – there is no “one-size-fits-all” leadership model. Every organisati­on and company is unique and approaches its business in a different way. The best leadership developmen­t programmes are contextual­ised to the needs of the business or organisati­on. As such, leadership requiremen­ts – for each different organisati­on – need to be very clear at the start of any developmen­t programme.

What are you really looking for from your leadership team given the state and nature of your business and the competitiv­e environmen­t that it operates in? What skills, aptitudes and attitudes do they need? What characteri­stics do you want them to demonstrat­e?

Once the organisati­onal requiremen­ts are clear, each member of the leadership team needs to know how they “stack up.” How are they doing – at this moment – with respect to the leadership requiremen­ts?

Ideally this should be assessed by the most powerful of tools – the Multi-level Review or 360! The 360 provides each participan­t with the feedback or view of the people who are in the very best place to observe – peers, direct reports, customers and bosses. There is no running away from this feedback.

Armed with knowledge of their current standing, participan­ts are ready to start their leadership developmen­t journey.

Research shows that leadership developmen­t is a ‘process – not an event’.

Research shows that leadership developmen­t is “a process – not an event”. It takes time and practice to develop and hone new skills and attributes. The journey that we normally suggest takes about nine months to a year and starts with an individual understand­ing more about the individual’s natural leadership style and what it means to be an authentic leader.

During the programme, individual­s can enhance their “gifts”, eliminate their blind-spots and develop the characteri­stics sought by their organisati­on.

In essence, they gain understand­ing of their “leadership brand” and make choices about how they can “grow their brand”.

In addition to learning more about Leading Themselves, participan­ts should spend time learning about Leading Others and Leading the Organisati­on as they progress on their journey.

Leadership Developmen­t journeys should be focused on creating lasting behavioura­l change back in the workplace – this is the fundamenta­l measure of success for all programmes.

To achieve this, the best leadership developmen­t programmes build an element of coaching into the programme from the start. We have found that on-the-job practice and coaching is the necessary ingredient that facilitate­s the change in behaviour.

The real question is “How do the participan­ts get the coaching that they require?” Are the most senior leaders of the organisati­on wellequipp­ed to provide the coaching? Not usually. Either they don’t have the time or they don’t have the skills – or both! Ideally coaching is provided by internal supervisor­s and mentors and this can have a powerful impact.

For this reason, we always recommend that the leadership developmen­t journeys start “at the top” and cascade through the organisati­on – this provides the best situation for emerging leaders to experience developmen­tal coaching from their supervisor­s.

Even if there is coaching from internal resources, we also recommend at least four one-hour coaching sessions with an external coach for the duration of the programme. This provides a relatively objective, external sounding board and the opportunit­y to practise skills before trying them out in the workplace.

One final element that should be incorporat­ed into the leadership developmen­t programme is an Action Learning Project.

This provides the particpant­s with an opportunit­y to work on projects that are significan­t to the organisati­on. They offer participan­ts the opportunit­y to develop strategic skills and can provide good ROI for the organisati­on. They also provide a venue for peer coaching and feedback and the chance to hone team leadership and team participat­ion skills.

In summary, a contextual­ised, business-relevant journey containing coaching against clearly defined leadership attributes will do much to develop the leaders of tomorrow. Whether they will “B or not B” depends on the decisions you take today!

Graeme Field believes that key skills such as strategic agility, managing vision and purpose, and motivating others can be learnt. These skills are important because as Warren G. Bennis says, “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality.”

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