The Star Malaysia

Men still use coaches for women


ON Wednesday, I was one of the KTMB commuters heading to Seremban from KL Sentral and was standing in the Women-Only coach. Upon reaching Bangi, an able-bodied man stepped into the coach ( pic) and everyone thought he would walk to the other coaches due to heavy rain but he continued to stand in the women’s coach filled with women and children.

He looked at everyone as if willing anyone to challenge him for being in the coach and stood casually as if nothing happened and there were no KTMB officials around to tell the guy off!

Then, as the train reached Nilai, it was still quite full and a woman seated in front of him vacated her seat to get down at the station. To my shock, the man actually sat down comfortabl­y on the vacant seat instead of offering it to any women or female senior citizen around.

Despite curious stares from others no one dared to question him, fearing he might be a thug. He sat all the way to the Seremban station.

I felt pity over the mentality of Malaysians who still, until today, do not have the compassion to help others more in need. They are indeed selfish. I felt sad for those tired women who did not get a seat during all that time.

KTMB, please look into this matter and take stringent action to improve on the facility you have provided for women. SADHAHA MAHAATHEVA­N Petaling Jaya

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