The Star Malaysia

Children need our protection


I ECHO every word “Pretty sane Mom” says in “It is time to get tough with parents” ( The Star, Jan 25).

How many more young innocent lives have to be sacrificed before we wake up?

Parents are “duty-bound” to safeguard their children. Children are NOT small adults.

They can’t sense danger what more understand the consequenc­es of their actions.

We come across some ignorant attitudes of parents every day.

We see young children everywhere, e.g. on the driver’s lap while the car is in motion, walking by themselves beside a busy road, left in the car alone etc.

It takes only common sense not to place children in any dangerous situation within our control. No need for a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

I am also a mum with two young children. Of course we juggle a lot of things in life.

But it doesn’t take effort to consider the kids’ safety wherever we are.

Times are also different now with many facing financial woes desperate enough to commit crime. Nabbing children is easy if given an opportunit­y.

I still remember when I was about six years old, I used to steal away from home, ride my good old BMX bike to the grocery shop across the road, to buy sweets.

I got a shelling when my mum found out. And looking back, I’m grateful that I was ok.

I feel parents who are found to be negligent or plain ignorant about their children’s safety should be dealt with by the law.

That’s why we have the Child’s Act 2001. If the parents cannot provide a safe environmen­t for the child, then the child should be placed some place safe.

There is no room for the “tidak apa” attitude. This is not being cruel and heartless but something we have ignored for far too long.

There is no point in saying ‘if only”, “I should have” and “I told you so” when it is already too late.

Call me paranoid sometimes, but I’m a MUM. JUST A MOM Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

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