The Star Malaysia

MCA: There must be checks and balances


PETALING JAYA: There must be a system locked in to prevent power abuse when introducin­g new preventive laws, says the MCA.

For example, the power to detain a person without trial should not be vested on only one person, said party president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek.

He added there should also be a review committee to ensure checks and balances.

“This balance is delicate, between having a safe environmen­t and respect for human rights,” he said in a statement.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had on Tuesday said that the Government intended to table the proposed law to replace the recently repealed Emergency Ordinance (EO) at the Dewan Rakyat sitting in September.

The Prime Minister added that immediate action must be taken by the authoritie­s to bring back public

This balance is delicate, between having a safe environmen­t and respect for human rights. — DATUK SERI DR CHUA SOI LEK

peace and confidence.

Dr Chua, in his statement, said the recent spate of crime had raised the concerns of Malaysians.

It had also undermined people’s and investors’ confidence as well as brought a bad image to businesses, investment and tourism.

Dr Chua said the war against violent crimes should not be heavily dependent on preventive laws, but to have long-term training to improve the profession­alism of the police.

He added that improvemen­ts to the force must be complement­ed with the use of advanced equipment, especially those for forensic investigat­ions.

There was also a need to beef up police presence, especially at crime hot spots, and have more CCTVs to help combat crime in public areas, he said.

Dr Chua said the fact that the police had been implicated in crimes had also undermined the people’s confidence.

“The authoritie­s must show that they mean business when going after criminals and also police personnel who have committed a crime,” he said.

Separately, the Malaysian Crime Prevention Foundation (MCPF) said Malaysians should seriously consider the proposal by the Prime Minister to have a law to replace the EO.

MCPF vice-chairman Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye said the foundation had received feedback from the public voicing their fear that the country was sliding into a state of lawlessnes­s.

The foundation, he added, was aware there were those not in favour of any preventive laws to replace the EO due to human rights.

On the other hand, Lee said there were also others who argued for the rights of those who have been the victims of these violent crimes, particular­ly with regard to their right to be free from crime.

He said the MCPF executive council would meet on Aug 19 to discuss this issue.

MCPF, together with the Asian Strategy of Leadership Institute (Asli), will also hold a forum on Current Legislatio­n and Other Measures to fight serious and violent crimes more effectivel­y on Aug 24 at the Sunway Resort Hotel.

 ??  ?? Confirmed dead: Paramedics checking Jeevandran’s body in Parit Buntar.
Confirmed dead: Paramedics checking Jeevandran’s body in Parit Buntar.

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