The Star Malaysia

Reduce speed, please

Slow down on federal and state roads during Raya, orders Works Ministry


Speed limits will be cut by 10kph during road safety operations from today.

KUALA LUMPUR: Speed limits will be reduced by 10kph for all federal and state roads during the Ops Selamat 3 road safety operations.

The speed limit reduction, in conjunctio­n with the Hari Raya Aidilfitri festive season, runs until Aug 18.

Works Minister Datuk Fadillah Yusof said during the period, the speed limit on federal roads would be reduced from 90kph to 80kph and on state roads from 80kph to 70kph.

“This is for safety. We urge motorists to observe the reduced speed limits during the festive season,” he told reporters after breaking fast with tertiary students from Sarawak living in the Klang Valley at the Putra World Trade Centre here last night.

Some 250 Sarawak students from teachers training colleges, Universiti Malaya, Internatio­nal Islamic University, Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Mara and several private colleges attended the event.

Apart from the change in speed limits, Fadillah also said the ministry had ordered that all road repair work, including on tolled highways, be stopped during Ops Selamat 3 for the comfort of motorists and to ease traffic flow.

On a separate matter, the Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD) wants all express bus ticketing operators to use the online ticket sales system (e-Tiket) to overcome the problem of ticket touts during the festive season.

SPAD chairman Tan Sri Syed Hamid Albar said by using the method, ticket operators for the express buses would not only assist the authoritie­s in overcoming the problem but also help prevent the users from becoming victims of the syndicates.

“I notice that many problems crop up when the express bus companies do not have ticket counters.

“Such companies usually use the services of the touts and take advantage of the situation,” he said when interviewe­d in the Ala Carte Ramadan programme at Bernama Radio24, Wisma Bernama, here recently. — Bernama

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