The Star Malaysia

Israelis rally against PM

Tens of thousands call for change ahead of general election

- Changing tides:

TEL AVIV: Tens of thousands of people rallied in Tel Aviv against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and called for “change”, 10 days ahead of a general election.

The protest was organised by the Million Hands grassroots organisati­on that campaigns for a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinia­ns and the creation of a Palestinia­n state.

Police said more than 25,000 people protested on Saturday in the city’s Yitzhak Rabin Square – named after the ex-premier assassinat­ed there during a 1995 peace rally.

Organisers said twice as many people attended the rally.

“This is a demonstrat­ion by Israeli citizens who are demanding a change of politics, a peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinia­ns,” said one of the organisers, Dror Ben Ami.

“The current government has failed on the social and economic fronts and has not improved the security situation – the country has broken down,” he said.

The rally was one of the largest anti-Netanyahu protests to be held in the run-up to the March 17 election and reflects growing dissatisfa­ction with his rightwing government.

“We hope that the left will return,” said Ben Ami.

Netanyahu’s Likud party is almost neck-and-neck with the Zionist Union in opinion polls.

Another Netanyahu government is unlikely to press for peace as members of the current Cabinet are opposed to the creation of a Palestinia­n state.

A former head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, Meir Dagan, also joined the protest and delivered a fiery address against Netanyahu.

“Israel has enemies but I do not fear them. What scares me is the current leadership of the country,” he said.

The crowds broke out in wild applause and shouted back: “Bibi go home!” referring to Netanyahu by his nickname. — AFP

 ??  ?? Israelis taking part in the rally in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square. — AFP
Israelis taking part in the rally in Tel Aviv’s Rabin Square. — AFP

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