The Star Malaysia

Rafizi remanded for three days

He is held to facilitate probe under OSA

- By FIrDAOUS FADZIL firdaousfa­

PUTRAJAYA: Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli has been remanded for three days until Friday to facilitate investigat­ions under the Official Secrets Act 1972.

The remand order was issued by magistrate Nik Isfahanie Tasnim Wan Ab Rahman in her chambers here, yesterday.

“This Friday we will see if he is going to be charged, released on bail or his remand extended,” Rafizi’s lawyer R. Sivarasa told reporters outside the chambers.

Sivarasa, who is also Subang MP, added that police have seized Rafizi’s laptop, desktop computer and his mobile phone.

“Police said that an extensive investigat­ion will be conducted. There is no problem with that but why put him under remand? There is no need for that because he already said he is willing to co-operate and to be charged in court,” he said.

Clad in a light blue long sleeved shirt, Rafizi was seen nodding and smiling to some 20 supporters who were outside the chambers.

“Three days, three days,” Rafizi said when asked by media personnel and supporters as he was being escorted, uncuffed, out of the chambers.

Rafizi was arrested outside the Parliament gates at about 6pm on Tuesday.

On March 28, Rafizi revealed details from what he claimed was an excerpt from the Attorney-General’s report on 1MDB proving that the Government investment arm was partly to blame for delays in the Armed Forces Fund Board’s (LTAT) gratuity payments.

Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar confirmed the arrest on his official Twitter account and said Rafizi was detained to assist an investigat­ion into wrongful disseminat­ion of official secrets.

 ??  ?? i rema d Police escorting Rafizi out of the Putrajaya court chambers.
i rema d Police escorting Rafizi out of the Putrajaya court chambers.

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