The Star Malaysia

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KUALA LUMPUR: In an unexpected move, a High Court judge has recused himself from hearing a libel suit filed by the Prime Minister against Tun Dr Ling Liong Sik.

High Court judge Justice John Louis O’Hara said he and Dr Ling were old boys of the Royal Military College.

Former students of the Royal Military College are known as Old Puteras (OP).

Speaking to reporters after the parties met the judge in chambers, the Prime Minister’s lead counsel Datuk Mohd Hafarizam Harun said Justice O’Hara made the decision to avoid any public mispercept­ion due to both being OPs.

“I have no objection if Justice O’Hara is to hear the case. But it is on the judge’s own motion to do so,” he said.

Therefore, Mohd Hafarizam said the case was now transferre­d to High Court judge Justice Nor Bee Ariffin for hearing.

“We will wait for further directives from the new judge,” he added.

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has sued Dr Ling over his remarks which allegedly implied that he had misused public funds for his personal interests.

In his lawsuit, Najib said that an online news portal, on Oct 3 last year, published an article saying Dr Ling had made slanderous statements against him while attending a ceremony at Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

In the statement of defence filed on Dec 14 last year, Dr Ling said the libel suit was brought in bad faith, maliciousl­y and with ulterior motive.

Najib is also applying to strike out a counter-suit filed by Dr Ling against him for abuse of the civil process.

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