The Star Malaysia

Action against portals with false news


NO double standards will be applied to news portals that sensationa­lise inaccurate news reports, says Deputy Communicat­ion and Multimedia Minister Datuk Jailani Johari.

He said action would be taken by the Malaysian Communicat­ion and Multimedia Commission against any news portals if complaints were made against them.

“If their reports are inaccurate, action will be taken. There will be no double standards as it will be applied across the board,” he told reporters at Parliament lobby.

He also said that “sensationa­l reports” that caused disunity could also be taken as grounds for action.

“If it is felt that the reports are sensationa­l and affect unity, then action can also be taken if a report is lodged,” he added.

Jailaini was asked to comment on recent reports by the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) that disparaged the Prime Minister.

On Monday, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said called on WSJ to apologise to the Prime Minister for their reports.

She chided WSJ for relying on false documents and reporting.

Earlier, Jailani told the House that cable television network Astro had taken steps to reduce disruption­s to its broadcast after numerous complaints from customers.

“The ministry discussed the matter with Astro and they agreed to set up a second broadcast centre in Cyberjaya to support their main centre in Bukit Jalil,” he added.

He said Astro was permitted to slot in a maximum of 10 minutes of commercial­s for every hour of their programmes.

He was responding to Datuk Abdul Rahman Mohamad (BN-Lipis), who said many customers had complained of broadcast disruption­s during rain and that there were too many commercial­s during Astro programmes.

If their reports are inaccurate, action will be taken. There will be no double standards as it will be applied across the board. datuk Jailani Johari

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