The Star Malaysia

Girl repeatedly raped by boss

Coffee shop owner took nude shots of teen, too


A COFFEE shop operator in Gombak, Selangor, was arrested for allegedly raping his 15-yearold employee several times over the last nine months, reported China Press.

The suspect, whose age was not stated, even took nude pictures of the girl and threatened to make them public whenever she refused to give in to his demands.

Police sources said he allegedly raped the victim, who worked as a waitress at his shop, for the first time in July last year.

The suspect had driven her to his house and forced himself on her when his wife was away for a wedding dinner.

“She was forced to take off her clothes. Although the girl was crying in pain, the suspect still carried on with his act,” the sources said, adding that the latest incident took place on March 30.

The crime was only exposed recently when the girl told her mother that she wanted to buy a pregnancy test kit.

Sensing something amiss, the mother pressed her daughter further, only to be told that she had been raped by her employer on several occasions.

Family members then lodged a police report. A medical check-up at the Selayang Hospital revealed that the victim was not pregnant.

Gombak OCPD Asst Comm Ali Ahmad said the man has been remanded.

> A man died of a heart attack while attending the funeral of his friend’s mother in Bukit Mertajam, Kwong Wah Yit Poh reported.

Huang Qi Foo, 64, suddenly slumped over the table before the start of the funeral procession on Tuesday.

He was chatting with his friends before the tragic incident.

One of his friends said he found it hard to believe that Huang was dead.

“He was still okay when he came for the wake the day before. He even talked to me shortly before his death,” he said.

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