The Star Malaysia

Mystery fires spoo residents

Families shocked by spontaneou­s blazes


IPOH: Just when they thought the mysterious fires plaguing their area were a thing of the past, residents of Taman Rima Gamelan in Bercham here have been spooked again by a similar incident.

One resident found a fire at his home and has been hearing voices since March 29.

Apparently, such incidents had occurred earlier to those who had helped put out other fires in their neighbour’s house.

Perak Fire and Rescue Department (operationa­l) deputy director Hasrin Hasbi and the department’s Ipoh chief P. Samasuvam were in the area on Thursday to inspect the house when they too were shocked by a sudden fire.

“At about 11pm, while we were sitting outside the house having tea, a fire suddenly started at the porch. In one corner, things started to burn.

“The fire then spread to a neighbour’s house,” said Samasuvam.

This latest incident came almost a year after one of the families had a similar experience, as reported by Sinar Harian last May 26.

The family was said to have been bothered by a mysterious fire and voices almost daily after one of them helped a neighbour with similar problems.

Samasuvam said that four or five homes had been affected by these bizarre happenings.

“Whoever goes to extinguish the fire, their house will also get it,” he said, adding that they had no idea what sparked the flames.

He related the story of a man there who tried to help another resident put out a fire.

“After helping the resident, he returned home at about 8.20pm and heard from his wife that his motorcycle had caught fire.”

So far, however, no one has been hurt in any of the incidents.

Samasuvam said a shaman was brought in to the area on Thursday.

“We hope the mystery will be solved,” he added.

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