The Star Malaysia

‘rambo’ Ibrahimovi­c sees his life on the big screen


STOCKHOLM: Never one to shun the limelight, Zlatan Ibrahimovi­c claimed that he could make a film about his life and portray it as a 10-part saga – just like Rambo.

“There are talks but nothing has been decided,” the Paris St Germain star told Swedish business newspaper Dagens


“Lots of other people do films about me, my life and make money but it’s obvious that if the subject of a movie is me then I should have control.

“There are talks in progress. We can make a lot of films about me. It would be like Rambo I to Rambo V – we could do Ibracadabr­a 1 to 10.”

Ibrahimovi­c, one of the game’s most colourful characters, says there is only one man who could play him.

Ibrahimovi­c said: “Anything is possible, we will have to see. “(But) Nobody can play Zlatan.” David Beckham might be one of his good friends, but even Golden Balls could not play Ibrahimovi­c on the big screen according to the outspoken Swede.

The striker played alongside the legendary former England captain at PSG in 2013.

And the duo struck up a great friendship during their time together in France.

Ibrahimovi­c revealed: “You would think with all the attention he has he is confident, but when you first meet him he is very shy.

“Once you get to know him, he is one of the nicest and most fun guys in the game. I have nothing but positive things to say about my good friend.”

But he did reveal one thing that irked him.

Tennis legend Bjorn Borg was named the greatest-ever Swedish sportspers­on ahead of second-placed Ibrahimovi­c. And the 34-year-old is in no doubt who should have won.

Ibrahimovi­c said: “Of course I should win. He is a legend no doubt, but finishing second is the same as finishing last.” — Agencies

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