The Star Malaysia

Anti-junta ‘red Shirts’ charged as vote looms


BANGKOK: Nineteen leaders of Thailand’s pro-democracy “Red Shirt” movement were charged with breaching a ban on political gatherings, as the junta clamps down before a referendum next weekend.

Thais will decide on Sunday whether to accept a new military-drafted constituti­on in the first vote since the generals toppled the elected government in 2014.

The military says its charter – the country’s twentieth – will curb political corruption and bring much-needed stability after a decade of turmoil.

But critics say the document is a shameless attempt to extend the army’s grip on power.

The grassroots Red Shirt movement is loyal to the ousted government of Yingluck Shinawatra and her brother Thaksin and is fiercely critical of the junta.

Yesterday, 19 Red Shirt leaders were charged at a Bangkok police station with breaching a ban on political gatherings of more than five people.

“They are all charged on one charge of violating the order,” Winyat Chatmoontr­ee, a lawyer for the movement, said.

The charges follow an attempt to open a referendum monitoring centre which was swiftly closed down by authoritie­s.

The group were released pending trial, he said, adding they face up to a year in prison if convicted.

The junta has passed a special law banning campaignin­g either for or against the charter -- although generally only those who push for a “no” vote have found themselves arrested.

Last month police even charged two eight-year-old girls for ripping down voter lists.

Yesterday, ousted premier Yingluck reiterated on social media her support for a no vote.

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