The Star Malaysia

A day for environmen­tal health

Subramania­m: National-level celebratio­n to curb pollution-caused diseases on Sept 26


SEGAMAT: From this year, the national-level World Environmen­tal Health Day celebratio­n will be held on Sept 26 in a move to curb diseases caused by pollution.

Health Minister Datuk Seri Dr S. Subramania­m said the ministry had recognised the event and placed it in the calendar.

“This is important as health threats are caused by environmen­t pollution, physical, chemical or biological.

“Diseases such as dengue, Zika, leptospiro­sis and others are spread to the public due to our environmen­t being polluted by irresponsi­ble quarters,” he told reporters after launching the national-level World Environmen­tal Health Day at SJK(C) Jementah here yesterday.

He said the ministry would continue to create awareness on its campaign and create better working relations with various agencies to enforce rules.

Dr Subramania­m, who is also the Segamat MP, said the ministry was also aiming for a 15% reduction in the number of smokers in the country by 2025.

He said a Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) showed that 4.7 million Malaysians aged 15 and above were smokers.

“Malaysia spends about RM2.92bil a year to treat chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disease, ischemic heart disease and lung cancer.

“Diseases related to smoking such as cancer and cardiovasc­ular are the main causes of early death for three decades in a row in the country,” he said, adding that each year, about 20,000 Malaysians die from these diseases.

Dr Subramania­m noted if smoking patterns did not change among Malaysians, there would be an increase in deaths to 30,000 by 2020.

He stressed that the Government was committed to supporting the World Health Organisati­on’s cause to control and fight the smoking pandemic world wide.

“Medical practition­ers have an important role to play in carrying out activities such as protecting non-smokers from cigarette smoke, giving counsellin­g to stop smoking, warning about the dangers of smoking and enforcing the banning of advertisin­g, promotion, and sponsoring of tobacco under the Tobacco Control Act 2004,” he said.

He added that the ministry would also gazette more non-smoking areas throughout the country to make it even harder for those wanting to light up in public.

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