The Star Malaysia

Najib: Keep working hard to gain public’s support


KUALA Barisan Nasional chairman Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak advised Gerakan members to continue to work hard to gain the support of the public.

He said all members should work harder to improve the party’s performanc­e in the hope that Barisan would receive increasing public support, especially in Penang.

“I am confident that Gerakan, under the leadership of president Datuk Seri Mah Siew Keong, can improve the party’s performanc­e in the coming general election,” the Prime Minister said in a pre-recorded video message to the 45th Gerakan National Delegates’ Conference at Menara PGRM yesterday.

The two-minute video screening received loud applause from the delegates present.

Najib said that in order to do this, government parties must be closer to the people, always provide effective service and ensure organised work structures.

“I have recommende­d, and would like to emphasise again, for all Gerakan members to have the courage of your conviction­s,” he said.

“Through consensus and close cooperatio­n and sincerity, I believe BN will continue to succeed in Malaysia.”

The Barisan chairman also urged the party to continue to answer all the allegation­s made by the Opposition parties.

Najib added that he also hoped that through good and sincere cooperatio­n, Barisan would also continue to lead Malaysia towards greater success.

Najib is currently in Bangkok to attend the two-day 2nd Asia Cooperatio­n Dialogue Summit.

The party’s 45th National Delegates’ Conference, themed “Unite for Prosperity and Progress”, was attended by more than 1,200 delegates nationwide.

 ??  ?? Hand-in-hand: Najib wants government parties to be closer to the people.
Hand-in-hand: Najib wants government parties to be closer to the people.

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