The Star Malaysia

Raja Zarith moved by tragedy

Johor Permaisuri: Hospital mishap a reminder about the fragility of life


PETALING JAYA: Johor Permaisuri Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah has penned a moving Facebook post on how this week’s tragedy at Hospital Sultanah Aminah brought back memories of visiting her late son there.

She said flashbacks of Tunku Abdul Jalil Iskandar Tunku Ibrahim ran through her mind when visiting nurses injured during Tuesday’s fire.

“When I saw the mother of one of the nurses, I had to hold back my tears and smile instead.

“I remembered what it was like to see my late son in pain and how helpless I felt,” she wrote.

Raja Zarith said the incident reminded her of the fragility of life and how lives could be changed within minutes.

At that point in time, she said that she wanted to be with her children “just to see them and touch them, and know they are healthy as well”.

Tunku Abdul Jalil, the fourth of the royal couple’s six children, passed away on Dec 5 last year from liver cancer.

“My family and I will continue to support everyone involved in this tragedy.

“We’ve already discussed how we will try to get donations for the medical equipment the hospital needs. We’re in this together. Muafakat Johor (a United Johor),” she said.

Health director-general Datuk Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah wrote on Facebook about his heart-rending experience when he went to the scene on Tuesday. He also said that he was moved to see the various races coming together.

“The tragic incident was a timely reminder that humanity comes alive when our hearts beat as one, when we feel for each other and when we weep together regardless of whether one is Malay, Indian or Chinese.

“I witnessed the three races hugging each other as if they were siblings, for the loss of the daughter in the fire,” he said as quoted by Bernama.

I remembered what it was like to see my late son in pain and how helpless I felt. Raja Zarith Sofiah Sultan Idris Shah

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