The Star Malaysia

Women’s group holding talk on integrity and governance


PETALING JAYA: The Women’s Institute of Management (WIM) is organising its first-ever conference on integrity and governance, featuring four prominent speakers.

The speakers are former deputy prime minister Tun Musa Hitam, Auditor-General Tan Sri Ambrin Buang, former Economic Planning Unit director-general Tan Sri Dr Sulaiman Mahbob and former Bank Negara assistant governor Datuk Latifah Merican Cheong.

WIM CEO Datuk Dr Nellie TanWong said the conference, which would address issues challengin­g integrity and proper governance in Malaysia, was targeted at company directors and senior management in both public and private sectors.

“We want to openly talk about such issues in an intelligen­t, fair and profession­al way. We are not pointing fingers at anyone, whether they are in the public or private sector.

“Whenever company directors make decisions, they must ask themselves ‘Is this the correct way to do it?’. They must observe the rules of integrity and corporate governance,” said Tan-Wong.

There would also be opportunit­y for those attending the conference to give feedback and opinions, she said.

“Panelists will respond to the four keynote addresses and we will open the floor to questions and comments.

“We are employing a profession­al reporter for the purpose of recording the results and comments. We will table these to our board and submit our findings to the Government. As a responsibl­e NGO, we feel that we have a role to play in informing the Government about what the people think on these subjects,” she said.

The conference will be held on Nov 21-22 at The One World Hotel here.

Those interested to attend should contact T.P. Raj at 017-889 3528 or They could also get in touch with Cecilia Chin at 016290 1537 or

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