The Star Malaysia

IS fighters brace for Mosul assault

IS fighters remove beards as Western forces advance to within 5km of Mosul


Militants grow desperate as Western forces advance to within 5km of Mosul.

KHAZIR (IRAQ): Militants with the Islamic State group were shaving their beards and changing hideouts in Mosul, residents said, as a major Iraqi offensive moved ever closer to the city.

With pressure building on the 10th day of the Mosul assault, Western defence chiefs were already looking ahead to the next target – IS’s other major stronghold of Raqa in Syria.

Recent advances on the eastern front have brought elite Iraqi forces to within 5km of Mosul, and residents said the extremists seemed to be preparing for an assault on the city itself.

“I saw some Daesh (IS) members and they looked completely different from the last time I saw them,” eastern Mosul resident Abu Saif said.

“They had trimmed their beards and changed their clothes,” the former businessma­n said. “They must be scared ... they are also probably preparing to escape the city.”

Residents and military officials said many IS fighters had relocated within Mosul, moving from the east to their traditiona­l bastions on the western bank of the Tigris river, closer to escape routes to Syria.

The sounds of fighting on the northern and eastern fronts of the Mosul offensive could now be heard inside the city, residents said, and US-led coalition aircraft were flying lower over it than usual.

Tens of thousands of Iraqi fighters have been advancing on Mosul from the south, east and north after an offensive was launched on Oct 17 to retake the last major Iraqi city under IS control.

The assault is backed by air and ground support from the US-led coalition – which also includes Britain and France – which launched a campaign against IS two years ago.

Iraqi federal forces, allied with Kurdish peshmerga fighters, have taken a string of towns and villages in a cautious but steady advance over the past week, in the face of shelling, sniper-fire and suicide car bombings.

About 3,000 to 5,000 IS fighters are believed to be inside Mosul, Iraq’s second city, alongside more than a million trapped civilians.

With the noose tightening on Mosul, officials from the 60-nation anti-IS coalition have increasing­ly pointed to the next phase of the fight.

Both US Defence Secretary Ashton Carter and British counterpar­t Michael Fallon said on Wednesday they expected an offensive on Raqa to be launched within weeks.

“That has long been our plan and we will be capable of resourcing both,” Carter told NBC News before arriving in Brussels for a two-day meeting of Nato defence chiefs.

If Mosul falls, Raqa will be the only major city in either Syria or Iraq under IS control, the vestige of a cross-border “caliphate” the militants declared after seizing large parts of both countries in mid-2014.

An offensive against Raqa is likely to be far more complicate­d than the assault on Mosul, however: unlike in Iraq, the coalition does not have a strong ally on the ground in Syria.

US President Barack Obama spoke on Wednesday by phone with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the White House said in a statement, urging “close coordinati­on” between the two countries to “apply sustained pressure on IS in Syria to reduce threats to the United States, Turkey, and elsewhere.”

Aid workers have warned of a major potential humanitari­an crisis once fighting begins inside Mosul itself and civilians were already leaving in growing numbers.

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 ?? — AP ?? Regaining ground: Louis Sako (second from left), patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church, and Gen Abdel Ghani al-Asadi of Iraq’s elite counter-terrorism forces visiting a church damaged by IS fighters, in Bartella, Iraq.
— AP Regaining ground: Louis Sako (second from left), patriarch of the Chaldean Catholic Church, and Gen Abdel Ghani al-Asadi of Iraq’s elite counter-terrorism forces visiting a church damaged by IS fighters, in Bartella, Iraq.

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