The Star Malaysia

The Donald struggles

Tycoon digs deep as momentum builds for Clinton in presidenti­al race


Tycoon Donald Trump has to dig deep as Hillary Clinton builds momentum in run up to polls.

WASHINGTON: Donald Trump pledged to pour millions of his own dollars into his presidenti­al bid, in defiance of the seemingly unstoppabl­e momentum building behind Hillary Clinton.

With less than two weeks before polling day, and with early voting under way in several states, the Democratic nominee remains comfortabl­y on course to become America’s first female president.

And Wednesday’s headlines were a telling tale of two buildings: Clinton revealed she will hold her likely victory party under a vast glass ceiling while Trump unveiled an alternativ­e Washington address – just in case the White House eludes him.

The latest rolling poll average by tracker RealClearP­olitics showed Clinton extending her national lead in a four-way race against Trump and two outsiders to 5.9% points – pointing to a clear electoral college victory.

“I feel really good, energised, working hard, we built this campaign over a year and a half, now we see the results of all that hard work,” Clinton told reporters on board her campaign plane.

But the former secretary of state’s rival took heart from a separate new survey that shows him with a two-point lead in early-voting Florida, a state where races are often won and lost.

“We are going to have, I think, a tremendous victory,” Trump said.

Pressed on whether he’ll open his own wallet to match an onslaught of Clinton ads, Trump said he will have spent US$100mil (RM409mil) of his own money by election day, a sum which would imply him digging much deeper than he has so far.

But first he set aside precious time for the grand opening of his new hotel in Washington, the Trump Internatio­nal.

Hundreds of journalist­s covered the grandiose re-opening of the former post office, a stone’s throw from the White House, but many mocked Trump for focusing on his business so close to polling.

“This election isn’t over before it’s actually over,” Clinton said.

“And I was struck today that Donald Trump is actually paying more attention to his business than to the campaign.”

At a speech later, Trump insisted that he had wanted to cut the ribbon on his hotel with his children “who had worked very hard” and boasted the building was “underbudge­t and ahead of schedule”.

Clinton’s camp also announced that she would await the results on Nov 8 at the vast Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York, which has a literal “glass ceiling” to match the metaphoric­al barrier she plans to shatter on behalf of women.

A Bloomberg poll out on Wednesday put Trump 45% to 43% among likely voters in Florida, where Clinton is campaignin­g, a close margin in what is simply a must-win state for him.

The RealClearP­olitics poll average still puts Clinton ahead in the state by 1.5 percentage points.

But Bloomberg’s survey shows Trump doing somewhat better than Clinton with independen­ts, who may hold the key to victory in a state that was famously deadlocked in 2000, when the Supreme Court decided the outcome, giving the win to George W. Bush.

And Trump may have found a useful card to play in the final hand: Obamacare.

Republican­s have attacked outgoing president Barack Obama’s signature health care reform since it was passed, but they may find traction after the government confirmed this week that voters’ premiums will jump an average of 25% next year.

“Job-killing Obamacare is just one more way the system is rigged.

“If we win on November 8 we are going to Washington DC to drain the swamp,” Trump told cheering supporters in North Carolina, promising to also impose term limits on lawmakers.

On Friday, Obama will campaign for Clinton in Florida – a state he won, albeit narrowly, in both the 2008 and 2012 races.

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