The Star Malaysia

Lawmakers worry rallies may spark trouble


KUALA LUMPUR: Several lawmakers are jittery over possible clashes between the Red Shirts and Bersih 5 rally supporters tomorrow.

Datuk Irmohizam Ibrahim (BN-Kuala Selangor) wants the rallies to be cancelled.

“If it turns violent, it will badly jeopardise our image both locally and internatio­nally.”

He said there would be no Red Shirt rally if there was no “yellow shirt” rally.

Speaking at the Parliament lobby yesterday, Irhomizam said the previous incidents leading up to the rallies this Saturday were worrying.

“I hope the police will step in and prevent the rallies from happening,” he said.

Datuk Ahmad Fauzi Zahari (BN-Setiawangs­a) urged the organisers of the rallies to “come to their senses” and call off their gathering.

“They might have noble reasons to rally, but there are places they can do this more peacefully without disturbing others, especially traders and the public.”

Datuk Hasan Arifin (BN-Rompin) echoed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s call for both groups of protesters to express their dissent through the ballot box.

“Street rallies are not part of our culture, and we do not want to leave such a legacy for the youth who will one day helm the country,” he told reporters.

Datuk Nur Jazlan Mohamed (BN-Pulai) said that just as Bersih members had a right to demonstrat­e, Umno members were also free to join the counter-rally in their personal capacity.

He urged both groups to follow the laws stipulated under the Peaceful Assembly Act (PAA).

Datuk M. Saravanan (BN-Tapah) said his party (MIC) did not condone either group: “We are no shirts. We can only advise people not to get involved in these gatherings, because there is no guarantee that they will be safe.”

Lim Kit Siang (DAP-Gelang Patah) called on the Government and the police to ensure the safety of protesters under the Peaceful Assembly Act. He said Section 18 states that no counter demonstrat­ions must be held concurrent­ly, so as to avoid tension and unwanted incidents.

“This is important especially when there is a group that is highly provocativ­e and talking about bloodshed. “This is not acceptable in Malaysia. “And the Prime Minister saying he can’t do anything – that shows his abdication of responsibi­lity,” said the Gelang Patah MP.

Datuk Johari Abdul (PKR-Sungai Petani) urged Najib to allow peaceful assembly as permitted under the law.

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