The Star Malaysia

Bersih: Street demos part of M’sian culture since its founding


PETALING JAYA: Street demonstrat­ions have always been a part of the country’s culture since its inception, Bersih leader Maria Chin Abdullah said.

“Street demonstrat­ions have always been in our culture. If you remember how we won our independen­ce, we were on the streets. It is our right to dissent.

“Now we want to show the Government that people are serious about change. It is part and parcel of our struggle for a new Malaysia,” said Maria Chin.

She was responding to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s comment that street protests was “not the accepted culture” here,

“And you have the Peaceful Assembly Act, which this Prime Minister moved. Don’t forget that he was the one who moved this Bill and it was passed. So it (street demonstrat­ions) is very much part of our culture,” said former Bersih co-chairman Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasa­n.

Ambiga also cited Section 18 of the same Act, which states that the OCPD of the district “shall give an alternativ­e for the counter assembly to be organised at another time, date or place” in reference to the planned counter rally by the Red Shirts that could potentiall­y cause clashes.

Maria Chin also added that the group would comply with the instructio­n of not to enter Dataran Merdeka, but would congregate “at the vicinity” of the landmark.

In terms of readiness, Bersih’s Steering Committee said that they were confidant that they had sufficient manpower and experience to ensure a smooth and peaceful assembly.

 ??  ?? All geared up: (front row, from left) Ambiga and Maria Chin speaking to reporters on the upcoming Bersih 5 rally in Kuala Lumpur.
All geared up: (front row, from left) Ambiga and Maria Chin speaking to reporters on the upcoming Bersih 5 rally in Kuala Lumpur.

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