The Star Malaysia

S. Korea falls silent for exam

Over 600,000 students sit for defining college entrance test


Seoul: South Korea fell silent with heavy trucks banned and businesses opening late as more than 600,000 students sat for the high-stakes annual college entrance exam that could define their future in the ultra-competitiv­e country.

Success in the exam, which teenagers spend years preparing for, means a place in one of the elite colleges seen as key to future career and even marriage prospects.

To clear the roads for the 606,000 students to ensure that they arrived on time, government offices, major businesses and even Seoul’s stock market opened an hour later than usual yesterday morning.

Transport authoritie­s banned all airport landings and take-offs for a 30-minute period in the early afternoon to coincide with the main language listening test.

Work at many constructi­on sites was suspended and large trucks were banned from the roads near the test venues.

TV news channels showed nervous-looking students walking into the test venues after tearful hugs with parents, as hundreds of younger students cheered on their seniors.

Thousands of parents flocked to temples and churches to pray, with monks and pastors holding special sessions for students.

The pressure to score well in the exam has been blamed for teenage depression and suicide rates that are among the world’s highest. — AFP

 ??  ?? Hoping for the best: Women praying during a special service for their family members’ success in the college entrance exams at the Jogye temple in Seoul. — AP
Hoping for the best: Women praying during a special service for their family members’ success in the college entrance exams at the Jogye temple in Seoul. — AP

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