The Star Malaysia

Chandra: Perlis has sabotaged national initiative­s to progress


PETALING JAYA: Perlis has “practicall­y sabotaged” national initiative­s to progressiv­ely resolve the long-standing controvers­y on unilateral conversion of minors to Islam.

1Malaysia Foundation chairman Dr Chandra Muzaffar said it had marred the Federal Government’s noble endeavour to find sensible ways to overcome controvers­ies that have burdened society for so long.

He said the amendment to the Section 117 of Perlis’ Administra­tion of the Religion of Islam Enactment 2006 to allow either the father or the mother or the guardian to consent to the conversion of children under the age of 18 contravene­s the spirit of a proposed Federal Government Bill tabled in Parliament last month.

He said the underlying spirit of the proposed Bill was more important, as it allowed conversion only if both parents agreed to it.

“With amendment to the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act, affected couples are required to resolve issues in the civil court first before moving on,” he said.

The proposed Bill covers unilateral conversion, custody of children, and the rights of spouse or mother.

“These are long-standing controvers­ies that have caused serious complicati­ons in our multiracia­l society.”

These are longstandi­ng controvers­ies that have caused serious complicati­ons in our multiracia­l society. Dr Chandra Muzaffar

Dr Chandra said Perlis had also subverted attempts to standardis­e fatwa rulings across the states by abolishing Sections 51 and 52 of its Enactment to break free from decrees issued by the National Fatwa Council.

“If a particular state rules that the Fatwa Council decree is not applicable there, it is going to create problems.

“People may exploit the different ruling in different states,” he said.

Dr Chandra said it was a pity that Perlis had pushed for such amendments without providing in-depth explanatio­n on the rationale for its move.

“I wonder if other states would follow suit, as religion comes under the purview of the state,” he said.

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