The Star Malaysia

Sessions on track to being confirmed as AG


Washington: The Senate is working overtime toward confirming President Donald Trump’s close ally, Sen Jeff Sessions

(pic), to become the nation’s top law enforcemen­t officer as attorney-general.

The Alabama Republican was headed toward confirmati­on yesterday evening by a nearly party-line vote. Democrats harshly criticised Sessions for being too close to Trump, too harsh on immigrants, and too weak on civil rights.

“There is simply nothing in Senator Sessions’ testimony before the Judiciary Committee that gives me confidence that he would be willing to stand up to the president,” said Sen Pat Leahy, D-Vt.

“He has instead demonstrat­ed only blind allegiance.”

Republican­s say Sessions has demonstrat­ed over a long career in public service – and two decades in the Senate – that he possesses integrity, honesty, and is committed to justice and the rule of law.

“We all know him to be a man of deep integrity, a man of his word, and a man committed to fairness,” said Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley, R-Iowa.

Sessions enjoys unanimous backing from fellow Republican­s and cleared a procedural vote Tuesday afternoon by a 52-47 margin, with West Virginia Democrat Joe Manchin crossing over to back him.

Sessions would be the fourth Cabinet nominee approved by the Senate, where Democratic delaying tactics mean far fewer of Trump’s picks are in place than were President Barack Obama’s eight years ago.

Yesterday’s vote comes amid rising tension between Republican­s controllin­g the chamber and minority Democrats largely opposed to Trump Cabinet picks.

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