The Star Malaysia

Can he close the deal?

Inside Macron’s daring run for the Elysee.


Inside Macron’s daring run for the Elysee.

ON Christmas Eve 2015, with France reeling from terror attacks in Paris a month before, Emmanuel Macron sent a letter to the president and prime minister, urging sweeping measures to tackle French inequaliti­es that he believed were fuelling extremism.

The economy minister, who had just celebrated his 38th birthday, didn’t expect his bosses to heed his advice, according to aides.

Macron had been feuding with Prime Minister Manuel Valls for months and grown increasing­ly frustrated with the slow pace of change under President Francois Hollande.

But the letter was a signal that he was preparing to go his own way, busting the constraint­s of French establishm­ent politics.

For weeks, Macron and his aides had been discussing the launch of a grassroots movement that would transcend France’s long-entrenched left-right political divide.

They had conducted a study of foreign movements, including centrist Ciudadanos and far-left Podemos from Spain, far-left Syriza in Greece and the 2008 campaign of Barack Obama.

Now, Macron felt it was time to act. Days after sending his letter he gave his team the green light. Then in late January, over lunch with aides in his ministeria­l residence at Bercy, overlookin­g the Seine River, Macron and his aides approved the name of his new movement – En Marche! (Onwards!).

It was the start of an audacious run for the presidency by a man who has captivated the nation by refusing to play by the strict rules that have governed French politics for decades.

Now 39, and running on an independen­t ticket, he is the leading contender to become France’s next president in what is shaping up as a tightly contested two-round election to be held today and on May 7.

To his fans, Macron is the jolt that France needs – a dynamic fighter for reforms who could pull the country out of its economic malaise and crisis of confidence.

To critics, he is an opportunis­t selling himself as a political rebel despite serving under Hollande for years and attending the same elite schools that have trained generation­s of French leaders.

His rivals – far-right leader Marine Le Pen, old-school conservati­ve Francois Fillon and hard-left candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon – fit into well-defined political boxes.

Macron does not. He wants to cut regulation­s that discourage entreprene­urship, reduce the size of the French state, welcome refugees and promote closer European integratio­n.

“In French politics, if you were neither right nor left you were nowhere. He has turned this into a strength,” said Pascal Lamy, the former head of the World Trade Organisati­on who has known Macron for over a decade.

If he is victorious, it will have major implicatio­ns, not just for France, but for Europe.

After the anti-establishm­ent wave that ushered in Brexit and US President Donald Trump, a victory for Macron, a defender of liberal democratic values, would represent a backlash against the backlash.

“For someone like Macron to win in a country that views the EU, free trade and bankers with a great deal of scepticism would be remarkable,” said Charles Grant, director of the Centre for European Reform, a London-based think tank.

“It would suggest that the popu- list wave may have reached its peak in France and in parts of western Europe.”

Macron grew up in Amiens, a city near France’s northern coast, the eldest of three children whose parents were doctors.

The defining relationsh­ip of his youth was with his maternal grandmothe­r “Manette”, with whom he spent hours after school learning grammar, history and reading Moliere and Racine. A star in school, his mother recalls that he often stayed after class to debate with teachers rather than playing with other kids.

At the age of 15, he met Brigitte Auziere, a 39-year-old teacher and married mother of three. During theatre class on Friday afternoons, Auziere fell under the spell of the precocious teenager.

“I felt like I was working with Mozart,” she confided to a friend, according to a 2017 biography of Macron by Anne Fulda.

The two fell in love, and after defying early efforts by Macron’s parents to keep them apart, married in 2007.

Friends describe Brigitte Macron, a 64-year-old blonde with a caustic sense of humour, as Macron’s emotional anchor.

After finishing high school in Paris, Macron attended the prestigiou­s Institut d’Etudes Politiques in Paris and the Ecole Nationale d’Administra­tion (ENA), a training ground for French elites, where he graduated near the top of his class.

Macron’s youth and centrist politics have prompted comparison­s to a young Bill Clinton, Britain’s Tony Blair, former Italian premier Matteo Renzi and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

People in his team describe someone who is pleasant, albeit demanding, to work with. On the campaign trail he looks people in the eyes and listens attentivel­y.

“He makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world,” says Dominique Moisi, the French political scientist and writer.

After his studies he joined the investment bank Rothschild, where


he made nearly 3mil (RM14.12mil) in four years, a chunk of it from advising Swiss food giant Nestle on its 2012 acquisitio­n of Pfizer’s baby food business.

Introduced to Hollande in 2008, Macron joined his campaign team two years later. When Hollande defeated conservati­ve incumbent Nicolas Sarkozy in 2012, he brought Macron into the Elysee Palace as an adviser on economic and European issues.

Just 34 at the time, Macron was relegated to a modest top-floor office under the eaves. But he didn’t shy away from speaking his mind, pressing Hollande on economic reform and dismissing his pre-election pledge to tax French


incomes above 1mil at a 75% rate with the jibe: “It’s Cuba without the sun.”

Despite that, Hollande warmed to his provocativ­e protege, irking others who viewed him as impudent and disloyal.

But frustrated that his ideas were not being translated into policy, Macron left two years later.

By the summer of 2014, he had given up on politics and was planning to launch a consulting firm. But in late August, while riding his bike on the North Sea coast near Le Touquet, he got a call from Hollande’s office.

Following the firing of economy minister Arnaud Montebourg, Hollande wanted to know if Macron would return to the government. But he was gaining an enemy – as Macron’s profile rose, Valls reportedly began to see him as a dangerous rival. After months of secrecy, Macron launched En Marche! in April and appeared a week later on the cover of glossy society magazine Paris Match with his wife under the headline “Together on the road to power”.

Some members of the government reacted by vilifying Macron as an ungrateful “Brutus”. But the movement has since attracted some 250,000 followers. And Valls, defeated by Benoit Hamon in the Socialist primary, has said he will vote for Macron.

In recent months, everything has broken Macron’s way. Fillon, once the favourite, has been damaged by an investigat­ion into whether he paid his wife a generous taxpayer-funded salary for work she didn’t do – a charge they both deny. And Hamon has flopped out of contention.

Polls now show that Macron will get around 23% in the first round, making it into the second round on May 7 against Le Pen, whom he would almost surely beat.

A victory for Macron would be a blow to populism in Europe. And it would open the door to an elusive “grand bargain” with Germany – which holds its own election in September – on strengthen­ing the fragile euro zone.

First, Macron would need to show he can deliver on reforms of the labour market and pare back a French state which accounts for 57% of economic output, the highest level in Europe.

That would be a challenge. Macron may struggle to cobble together a centrist majority in parliament in legislativ­e elections to be held in June. If he fails, he faces the prospect of an awkward “cohabitati­on” with Fillon’s conservati­ves.

As Gilles Moec, an economist at Bank of America Merrill Lynch, put it: “To get this majority, a lot of people will need to break party lines and take personal risks. It’s not going to be easy.”

 ?? — Reuters ?? Leading the pack: A victory for Macron, who is running on an independen­t ticket, would be a blow to populism in Europe.
— Reuters Leading the pack: A victory for Macron, who is running on an independen­t ticket, would be a blow to populism in Europe.
 ?? — Reuters ?? Power couple: Macron’s wife Brigitte, whom he met at 15 when she was teaching in his school, is his emotional anchor.
— Reuters Power couple: Macron’s wife Brigitte, whom he met at 15 when she was teaching in his school, is his emotional anchor.

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