The Star Malaysia

Woman robbed on Uber ride

Driver’s accomplice threatens pregnant woman with knife


SERDANG: A pregnant sales assistant who booked an Uber ride after work was robbed at knifepoint by the driver’s accomplice.

What was supposed to be a 30-minute drive from Mid Valley to Puchong turned into an hour-long terror ride for 26-year-old Wong Mei Yan.

Recounting her experience, Wong said she left work early as she was feeling unwell.

“My ride arrived around 9.30pm. I only took note of the car’s registrati­on plate and did not notice the driver’s low-star ranking or the man in the front passenger seat,” Wong said. But she did notice that the car had tinted windows and a foul cigarette smell.

She said she only realised there was another passenger, whom she described as “small and thin”, in the front seat when the driver started chatting with him.

“It was hard to hear them because they also had the radio on loudly,” she said.

Wong said she did not speak to the driver until she realised that he had taken a different route despite being given directions.

Somewhere near the One Puchong Business Centre, the front passenger turned around holding a knife and told her to hand over her valuables.

“I became frightened and started crying and begged them not to hurt me because I’m pregnant,” she said.

After Wong was robbed, the driver kept on driving until he reached Koi Kinrara, about five kilometres away, where he dropped her off in the middle of the road at 10.20pm.

Wong waved down passers-by and it was sales executive Eddy Ong who came to her aid. He took her to a police station to report the robbery.

Ong related Wong’s harrowing experience on social media which went viral.

When contacted, Serdang deputy OCPD Supt Lee Wai Leong said police were investigat­ing the case.

“We have gathered informatio­n on the duo and we are tracing them,” he said.

Uber said it could not comment on the incident as investigat­ions were ongoing.

“We are cooperatin­g with the authoritie­s and would like to assure the public that Uber takes safety very seriously,” it said in a statement.

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