The Star Malaysia

Group selling sex pills crippled

Health Ministry officers pose as buyers to nab street peddlers


THE Health Ministry has crippled a group selling illegal sex stimulants and red “miracle” pills in Jalan Raja Laut, reported Harian Metro.

The red pill is claimed to cure all kinds of sexually transmitte­d diseases, including AIDS.

In the operation, five street peddlers in the area were detained by the ministry’s Pharmaceut­ical Services Division.

A ministry spokesman said officers posed as buyers to trace the peddlers who would only appear after 9pm.

“During our raids in Jalan Chow Kit and Lorong Haji Taib, we found that these peddlers are very cautious about selling the sex stimulant pills and placed only empty product boxes on their tables.

“They usually hide the sex stimulants in their cars or at nearby drains to avoid being caught with evidence,” said the spokesman.

In the raids, a total of 541 sex stimulants with a street value of RM97,491 were confiscate­d.

The products are believed to be from China and are banned in Malaysia because of various side effects, including heart attacks, stemming from their use.

The peddlers were also found selling sex toys.

The authoritie­s took statements from them and were trying to trace the main suppliers.

> The daily also reported that a couple in Seremban spends RM2,500 a month to care for 86 cats.

The couple started caring for cats when they saw a feline die after it was hit by a car.

Fairuz Abdullah, 43, and his wife Rozita Harun, 46, have been caring for cats ever since.

Fairuz said that at first, he was not a big fan of cats compared to his wife but the incident changed his mind.

He then bought four local breeds and also cares for any stray cats that they find.

“I don’t mind if they are mangy. In fact I saw a cat being kicked around in Tampin and brought it back.

“I could not stand to see it being hurt like that,” he said.

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