The Star Malaysia

Latest line-up a recipe for disaster, say Barisan politician­s


KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Harapan’s latest leadership line-up has drawn flak from Barisan Nasional politician­s, many of whom are questionin­g the structure.

Writing in his blog, Umno treasurer Datuk Seri Dr Salleh Said Keruak questioned why DAP was not holding one of the top posts when it had the most lawmakers in Pakatan.

“Is DAP being sidelined or was this an intentiona­l move so that the Opposition pact is perceived to be dominated by the Malays?” he wrote yesterday.

On Thursday night, Pakatan had announced Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as the coalition’s de facto leader, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad as chairman and Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail as president.

DAP’s Lim Guan Eng and Chong Chieng Jen were named as the deputy president and vice-president.

Dr Salleh also pointed out that among the top three positions, it was not stated who had the executive power or final say in the decisionma­king process.

MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong said the line-up looked as if they were “creating many top posts just to accommodat­e each other”.

“You have big posts such as Ketua Umum, presidenti­al council chairman and chairman, followed by three deputy presidents.

“It is very strange. There is no clear cut scope of work and chain of command. It is merely political bargaining,” he said.

Dr Wee said he was also surprised that DAP was content with a mere deputy president’s post.

“The deputy president’s post is a consolatio­n post where every party must have one representa­tive with the exception of PKR, which has already taken the president’s post,” he said.

Agreeing with Dr Salleh, Umno supreme council member Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz labelled the line-up as a recipe for disaster.

“When I saw the line-up, I thought it was a recipe for disaster because it’s very confusing.

“In fact, I think they are also confused because they don’t know who should be the leader,” he said.

The ambiguity of Pakatan’s leadership, he said, was probably due to the Opposition’s distrust of Dr Mahathir as a former Umno president who put Anwar in jail.

Barisan’s strategic communicat­ions director Datuk Seri Abdul Rahman Dahlan said it was time for the “hastily formed” Opposition coalition to take a formal stand on major policies such as the abolition of the Goods and Services Tax.

“They must explain how to cover the budget deficit. Malaysians don’t want rhetorical and populist announceme­nts without telling the dire consequenc­es,” he tweeted.

However, in a statement, DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang said his party was neither sidelined nor did it dominate Pakatan, adding that Pakatan was a “coalition of equals”, unlike Barisan.

“Consensus from all the four component parties is the basic operationa­l principle of the coalition,” he said.

PKR deputy president Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali said the line-up should put an end to rumours of disunity within the Opposition.

Azmin, who is also Selangor Mentri Besar, congratula­ted Dr Mahathir on his appointmen­t as chairman, saying that it was a positive developmen­t.

“His appointmen­t is significan­t to the strengthen­ing of Pakatan, as well as giving it direction and focus ahead of the general election,” he added.

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