The Star Malaysia

Part of efforts to create joyful experience at airport


REFERRING to the letter “Wish departing passengers ‘Selamat Jalan’” ( The Star, Aug 8), Malaysia Airports wishes to thank the writer for his feedback on the public announceme­nts made at Kuala Lumpur Internatio­nal Airport (KLIA).

In line with our mission to create joyful experience­s for our passengers, we are currently undergoing a transforma­tion of our customer service culture to be a friendlier airport. Part of this transforma­tion is the inclusion of the tagline “Happy Journey” (but not “Have a happy flight” as stated in the letter) into our communicat­ion. The addition of this tagline is meant to inject a friendlier approach on our public announceme­nts. As an internatio­nal airport, this new tagline was coined in English as it is our main medium of communicat­ion in order for our message to reach across all nationalit­ies.

The transforma­tion of our customer service culture is an initia- tive under the Total Airport Experience (TAE) strategy as outlined in our five-year business plan, Runway to Success 2020.

Apart from the tagline, this new model involves the placement of roving customer service personnel at key touch points along the passenger journey at the airport. These personnel, called Airport CARE Ambassador­s, are no longer bound to the customer service counters but are now free to move around and offer a more proactive and timely assistance to passengers.

In addition, we have also implemente­d the Airport CARE InfoCentre located at Level 5, KLIA. The centre now sports a fresh look and is equipped with multiple informativ­e digital screens.

We truly value the writer’s feedback and will take into considerat­ion his suggestion to apply the tagline in Bahasa Malaysia as well.


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