The Star Malaysia

Bosse hopes for luck in love after 800m gamble pays off


PIERRE-Ambroise Bosse loves gambling and he won the biggest prize of his life, the 800m world title, to give France their first ever gold in the event.

The 25-year-old, who had finished a valiant if frustratin­g fourth in last year’s Olympic final, seized the initiative with 150m to go with a stunning burst passing Kipyegon Bett and race favourite Nijel Amos and held on to take the tape first from fast-finishing Pole Adam Kszczot.

“I am a gambler, I love going to the casino,” said Bosse.

“And today I just gambled, I put everything on the red, even my last Euro. So hopefully, this is also for luck in love.”

Bosse, who is renowned for his offbeat character and addressed his cat ‘Rabs’ after finishing outside the medals in Rio by telling him to go the fridge and drink a beer for him, said he thought he had cast a spell over his rivals as no one threatened him down the final 100m.

“It felt like a nightmare as I was getting chased,” he said.

“It was a never ending nightmare. I could not understand why nobody was going past me.

“Even when I crossed the line I could not believe it.

“The others killed themselves and they were already dead in the last 100m.

“I was like a witch casting a spell on them.”

However, any thoughts of going out and celebratin­g with him have perhaps been put on hold. ”I had to pinch myself really hard to realise that I had really won,” he said.

“In any case 200m after that I was throwing up.

“I cannot party like Usain Bolt.” — AFP

 ??  ?? I’m the Bosse: Pierre-Ambroise Bosse of France rejoicing after winning the 800m final at the World Championsh­ips. — Reuters
I’m the Bosse: Pierre-Ambroise Bosse of France rejoicing after winning the 800m final at the World Championsh­ips. — Reuters

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