The Star Malaysia

Wisma Putra to aid woman and son stuck in China


BEIJING: A mother who is barred from leaving China with her Malaysian son is relieved now that Malaysian authoritie­s are taking steps to help them.

Cheng Chau Yang, 42, and her eight-yearold son have been stuck in China for nearly two years due to legal tussles with her Chinese national ex-husband, who heads a US-based marketing research and consulting firm.

A Chinese court imposed the travel ban to secure the visitation rights of the boy’s father after Cheng, who works with a multinatio­nal corporatio­n in Shanghai, was granted sole custody of the child.

“I am very touched to see the support given to us from home, thank you very much,” she said in a telephone interview.

Cheng said she was ecstatic after being informed by her family in Malaysia that they have met with Foreign Minister Datuk Seri Anifah Aman.

Cheng said she had been fighting a lone battle in a foreign country and had tried all channels without success.

“For the past two years, I have been praying and hoping for a miracle and now, I think I see light,” she added.

Cheng’s sister Myra, accompanie­d by her lawyer Goh Sui Lin, met Anifah in Putrajaya on Wednesday.

Myra, 46, said she was more hopeful about her younger sister’s situation after the 30-minute meeting.

The duo had briefed Anifah about Cheng’s plight and were asked to produce a detailed timeline and more documents to assist the ministry’s preparatio­ns.

“Anifah told us he would do everything in his power to help my sister and nephew, though he said he also had to respect China’s judiciary,” she said.

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