The Star Malaysia

Strength in twos

Exercising with a buddy can help amp your workouts and produce better fitness results.


A FRIEND is like a good bra – supportive, comfortabl­e, always lifts you up, makes you look better, and remains close to you heart.

You may have heard that one before.

Unless you’re one of those highly dedicated, discipline­d individual­s who can rise at the crack of dawn, lace up your sneakers and get your daily endorphin fix, the majority of people find it difficult to stay motivated when it comes to working out.

Exercising alone can be a struggle – there is nobody to push or distract you, and nobody to hold you accountabl­e when you’re about to call it quits.

Humans are social animals and the need for interperso­nal support is primal.

We seek the company and positive reinforcem­ent of others, especially when we are doing work.

Having a fitness buddy or creating a social network for exercisers is guaranteed to benefit you.

The right workout partner will get you moving, keep you moving, tap into your extra reserves and challenge you.

This buddy can make a difference between failure and success, as well as mediocre results and incredible results.

Exercise partners provide a powerful combinatio­n of support, accountabi­lity, motivation, and in some cases, healthy competitio­n.

Teamwork also tends to make people persevere longer.

When you work with a partner or as part of a group, the pressure is on you to keep going, especially if other individual­s in the group are fitter and stronger.

Giving up is the furthest from your mind.

Kiasu mentality? Maybe.

It’s called the Köhler effect, a phenomenon that occurs when a person works harder as a member of a group than when working alone.

During the 1920s, German psychologi­st Otto Köhler tried to explain why groups persisted longer than individual­s working on their own.

The effect was explored in a weightlift­ing experiment, where members of a local rowing club were asked to perform standing curls with 44kg dumbbells as long as they could.

When performed in groups, the exercise was done with a bar weighing two or three times as much as the standard dumbbell, depending on how many people were involved in the experiment.

The study ultimately revealed that the weakest member of each group could persist far longer when performing standing curls with others than while executing the exercise in solitude.

Even if you don’t feel an attachment to your fellow fitness enthusiast­s, their mere presence should motivate you to work harder than you would on your own.

If you develop a bond, then you will obviously enjoy the sessions, as well as the camaraderi­e.

It’s easy to bail on your own workout.

But it’s much harder to ditch a workout when you know you’re going to be letting someone down.

Choose someone who is positive, friendly, solution-focused and shares similar goals, so both of you can keep working for better results.

He also needs to respect your time, be dependable and possess a good attitude.

Forget the drill sergeants and rah-rah cheerleadi­ng types.

Ideally, your workout buddy should have some knowledge of fitness so he or she can correct your form and alignment.

Form is crucial in ensuring you minimise the risk of injuries.

If not, sign up with a trainer for a lesson of two, particular­ly if you’re new to exercise.

There is strength and safety in numbers.

Having someone to spot you when you do squats, lunges or planks makes working out much safer.

It’s also safer to jog or hike in twos in quieter neighbourh­oods, lonely areas and forests.

When people start getting good results from their workouts, a little ego can creep in from time to time.

A good training partner recognises that you’re proud of your achievemen­ts and confident with what you’ve got, and at the same time keeps you grounded by constantly pushing you to do better.

Exercising is not only about looking good and flaunting that body, it could potentiall­y be a lifesaver someday.

Try the buddy system, perhaps forge a friendship and reap the multiple benefits.

However, you need the right buddy, so go ahead and be picky!

Here are some tips sourced from the Net on how to be a good fitness buddy:

● Be sincere and keep tabs on your buddy.

Send messages or e-mails and wake-up calls if necessary.

● Always be on time.

● Push each other to go a little further each time.

● Keep things fresh by suggesting new routines and different routes. Mix and match for variety, which is the spice of life.

● Get to know your buddy by sharing stories about each other.

● Talk about topics other than fitness. The more you care about your partner as a person, the stronger your alliance will be. But, don’t wallow in negative talk. It’s an energy downer.

● Remind your partner of his goals and encourage him when the going gets tough.

● Keep the schedule flexible and change workout times if the situation calls for it.

● Laugh – not at your buddy, but with him. Laughter is a powerful antidote to stress, pain and conflict, and a good, hearty one relieves physical tension, leaving your muscles relaxed for up to 45 minutes. Revathi Murugappan is a certified fitness trainer who tries to battle gravity and continues to dance to express herself artistical­ly and nourish her soul. The informatio­n provided is for educationa­l and communicat­ion purposes only and it should not be construed as personal medical advice. Informatio­n published in this article is not intended to replace, supplant or augment a consultati­on with a health profession­al regarding the reader’s own medical care. The Star disclaims all responsibi­lity for any losses, damage to property or personal injury suffered directly or indirectly from reliance on such informatio­n.

 ??  ?? Humans are social animals and the need for interperso­nal support is primal. — TNS
Humans are social animals and the need for interperso­nal support is primal. — TNS
 ?? — AFP ?? Exercising alone can be a struggle as there is nobody to push or distract you.
— AFP Exercising alone can be a struggle as there is nobody to push or distract you.
 ?? — Filepic ?? Exercise partners provide a powerful combinatio­n of support, accountabi­lity, motivation, and in some cases, healthy competitio­n.
— Filepic Exercise partners provide a powerful combinatio­n of support, accountabi­lity, motivation, and in some cases, healthy competitio­n.
 ?? Revathi Murugappan ??
Revathi Murugappan

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