The Star Malaysia

Confusion over when Anthony will be freed on bail


KOTA KINABALU: More than 100 Parti Warisan Sabah supporters gathered outside the KPJ Hospital in Damai near here after getting word that party vice-president Datuk Peter Anthony would be released on bail.

However, they were told that Anthony would only be allowed bail today when his remand order expires.

There was confusion as to when the remand order would expire, and Anthony’s lawyers had gone to court to sort things out.

Warisan secretary- general Loretto Padua Jr later received word of the correct remand expiry date and informed the supporters assembled outside the hospital yesterday.

Anthony was warded for dehydratio­n and other health issues shortly after he was remanded in connection with a graft investigat­ion into the alleged siphoning of RM1.5bil from federal funds meant for rural developmen­t projects.

Loretto also told the supporters that Anthony will probably remain warded because he is still unwell, although his condition is stable.

“So we can’t all go up and visit him,” he told them.

“Those who want to visit him may do so in small numbers according to hospital rules.”

Loretto thanked all those who turned up, some from as far away as Tenom and Kota Marudu. The party members and Anthony’s relatives had gathered outside the hospital from Wednesday night.

“Anthony is thankful to all of you who are here today,” he said.

Loretto also thanked police officers at the scene and told Anthony’s supporters that they were only doing their job, and were not there to arrest anyone.

“They are here to keep things under control. We must thank them and also keep calm at all times,” he said.

Loretto said the turnout of supporters of various races and faiths showed unity and strength.

“This may be a blessing in disguise as we can see a strong sign of unity among the people,” he said.

 ??  ?? Under control: Loretto (right) speaking to Warisan supporters at the Luyang Community Hall in Kota Kinabalu.
Under control: Loretto (right) speaking to Warisan supporters at the Luyang Community Hall in Kota Kinabalu.

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