The Star Malaysia

Laureates denounce Trump move


GENEVA: The nuclear weapons disarmamen­t campaigner­s awarded this year’s Nobel Peace Prize denounced US President Donald Trump’s decision to decertify the Iran nuclear deal, saying it makes proliferat­ion more likely.

“President Trump’s rejection of the JCPOA is an incitement to proliferat­ion, makes achieving further agreements to rein in the nuclear threat more difficult, and increases global risk of nuclear use,” the Internatio­nal Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) said in a statement.

The Joint Comprehens­ive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has curbed Iran’s nuclear programme in return for sanctions relief.

“The JCPOA is a demonstrat­ion of how well diplomacy can work, and like the Treaty on the Prohibitio­n of Nuclear Weapons, it reflects the urgent global imperative to eliminate nuclear weapons and the grave threat they pose,” commented Beatrice Fihn, Executive Director of ICAN.

The nuclear agreement was struck in July 2015 by Iran and permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany – establishi­ng controls to prevent Teheran from developing an atomic bomb.

Trump stopped short of withdrawin­g from the 2015 accord, but “decertifie­d” his support for the agreement and left its fate in the hands of the US Congress.

The US leader said the nuclear agreement had failed to address Iranian subversion in its region and its illegal missile program and warned the agreement was under continuous review and could be terminated, a stance which ICAN decried as a policy liable to ramp up the threat of conflict.

“President Trump’s attempt to disrupt the Iran deal, despite the fact that the IAEA has repeatedly certified that Iran is complying with its terms, is a jarring reminder of the immense nuclear danger now facing the world and the urgent need for all states to prohibit and eliminate these weapons” Fihn said.

“If ever there were a moment for nations to declare their unequivoca­l opposition to nuclear weapons, that moment is now,” she added.

ICAN had on Monday urged Trump to uphold the deal with Iran which the US leader has dismissed as “the worst deal ever”, saying it saw no evidence that Teheran is not in compliance.

President Trump’s attempt to disrupt the Iran deal... is a jarring reminder of the immense nuclear danger.

Beatrice Fihn

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