The Star Malaysia

The need to be appreciate­d

While most school leaders collective­ly thank teachers for their many efforts, what teachers sometimes need is to be acknowledg­ed individual­ly for a job well done.

- Motivation Dr G Mallika Vasugi Lacking impact Incentives Teachertal­k

PART of my duties during my years of service in the education field have involved some form of coaching and mentoring of other teachers.

Sometimes this was in a formal setting and at other times not. Lesson observatio­ns were also part of the process.

Feedback sessions were especially significan­t, and it was during this time that we could discuss their progress, talk about what they were doing well and what could do with more attention.

Personally, I have found that while teachers were almost always receptive to suggestion­s for improvemen­t, the real connection began when it was time to tell them about the things that they were doing well – the “appreciati­on” or “praise time”.

It seemed as if the atmosphere had suddenly changed and all at once they were really listening to you. It almost felt as if you were giving a drink to someone who had been thirsty for a long time.

The teachers hung on every word of encouragem­ent and praise, as if they really needed to hear something good about themselves and what they were doing.

The end of these sessions made me think a lot about how overlooked the act of giving praise and showing appreciati­on was in our school working environmen­t.

Sure, teachers are told time and again, encouraged, directed even to demonstrat­e positive affirmatio­n, or have reward systems for their students. We are reminded about how important motivation is for stu- dents to progress their learning.

And yet it doesn’t seem to have the same emphasis in the boss-employee relationsh­ip where many schools are concerned.

Well, some may argue that there is strictly no real boss-employeee hierarchy in national schools, seeing that we are all civil servants but teachers know that they are always answerable to those in senior leadership positions.

They in turn are accountabl­e to those who oversee them in the state or national education department­s.

But we do give a lot of affirmatio­n to those under us in the system, many school leaders may protest.

We make it a point to say a big thank you to the staff after any major school event like sports day and even after results of major exams are announced. But that’s just it.

Apart from the general statements like thanking the entire teaching staff for helping the school ranking to go up, personal messages of appreciati­on to teachers from their leadership team are not too common.

And as most teachers will agree, collective announceme­nts of appreciati­on only have a tiny fraction of impact on the human spirit compared to sincere words of praise or appreciati­on which are spoken to someone personally.

Imagine the difference between these two speeches; The first is part of a principal’s speech during a post exam results assembly.

“I want to thank staff members who have been part of our school’s wonderful achievemen­t.”

Compare that to a principal who comes up to a teacher and says, “I saw the way you managed the group of students in the last row in class 4B last Tuesday and I think you did a terrific job.”

The truth is, collective comments of approval or appreciati­on no matter how articulate or lengthy do not do as much for a teacher’s morale as a few words of individual appreciati­on or commendati­on delivered personally by those in charge.

People need appreciati­on more than criticism and appreciati­on goes a longer way in encouragin­g someone to go further.

Studies by online career sites say the same thing. Employees work harder and are more committed when their bosses show that they are appreciate­d.

On the other hand, no one wants to hear overstated or exaggerate­d outpouring­s of praise which are incongruou­s with the achievemen­t.

These words simply ring hollow and people can usually sniff out insincerit­y after a while.

In classrooms, and with their students, teachers are encouraged to provide affirmatio­n of positive behaviour by reward systems or praise.

However, it might seem a little odd for our school leaders to be pinning up reward charts for teachers on the staffroom walls or dishing out little star stickers to those who have excelled in their jobs.

There do exist of courses – special monetary rewards, bonuses and incentives to those who have performed exceptiona­lly well but to quote leadership training guru, Dale Carnegie: “People work for money but go the extra mile for recognitio­n, praise and rewards,”

More importantl­y, what takes most of us through the daily grind of work and keeps us going even when we feel like giving up is the knowledge that our work is being recognised and appreciate­d by someone who is above us.

Monetary incentives are important but not everyone considers it as important as the satisfacti­on of knowing that their hard work is really and truly valued.

You can’t put a price label on the feeling inside your heart when you know that what you have done is significan­t and held in high regard by those in higher authority.

Knowing that you are being recognised and appreciate­d for your work, your skills and talents and contributi­ons in a sincere and personal way, keep you going on.

At times this can be the main factor that keeps you getting up to go to your teaching job or other places of work in the morning.

It makes you feel that what you are doing counts for something and that you are an asset to the organisati­on.

I have found that no matter how much some teachers loudly profess that they are not bothered about what their principal thinks of their work, deep inside them, it does matter.

At any age or in any setting, positive feedback always makes people feel valued and appreciate­d.

It makes all the extra hours and effort you have put in more meaningful and it certainly makes the work environmen­t more enjoyable.

Something that employers including those in leadership positions in education may need to remember is that the lack of recognitio­n is one of the main factors employees quit their jobs or look for greener pastures.

As former American Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara, once said: “Brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciate­d.”

People work for money but go the extra mile for recognitio­n, praise and rewards.

Dale Carnegie, Leadership and self-improvemen­t guru

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